teacherstrange / zagrodzki.me

Personal blog and portfolio πŸ’Ό

Home Page:https://zagrodzki.me

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

zagrodzki.me banner

zagrodzki.me - my personal website

Project Overview 🎨

Personal blog with portfolio and many more. Sounds great? I haven't mentioned the most important one yet. It's fully open source! Feel free to open an issue or directly make a pull request. Enjoy!


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md

Tech/framework used 🧰

Tech Description
TypeScript Static type-checking programming language
Next.js The React Framework for Production
React Library for building user interfaces
MDX Markdown for the component era
Algolia Implementing search
Framer Motion Motion library for React
Context API React structure that enables to share data with multiple components
React Query Performant and powerful data synchronization for React
React Hook Form Forms with easy-to-use validation
SCSS CSS with superpowers
CSS Modules Styles convention in React
Husky Git hooks
ESLint TypeScript linting
Prettier Code formatter

Performance πŸ’¨

zagrodzki.me - lighthouse stats

zagrodzki.me - vercel stats

Installation πŸ’Ώ

git clone https://github.com/Bartek532/zagrodzki.me.git

yarn install

# set up environment variables

yarn start

Live πŸŽ†



Personal blog and portfolio πŸ’Ό


License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:TypeScript 61.9%Language:SCSS 36.4%Language:JavaScript 1.5%Language:Shell 0.3%