teacherfund / TeacherFund_next

A website to fund teachers discretionary spending because the government sucks at it

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Create different size images

stripedpajamas opened this issue · comments

Currently our images are too big. The header image we're using is 4mb. Loading on mobile is slow.

Acceptance criteria:

  • There are small, medium, and large versions of each image
  • All images are compressed to the highest amount that does not affect human-eye quality
  • Which size image is loaded is based on the screen size of the website user

In the near future, there may be different images for different screen sizes (not just different image sizes), but this is a good step to take in the interim.

Would like to work on this issue.

Hey there,

If this issue is still available, I'd like to give it a crack!


Absolutely @RichardViskovic it's all yours!

I submitted a pull request #116 for this issue! I'm still new to the whole open source contribution thing so hopefully I did it correctly. Let me know!

would like to work on this

Is this issue still open? I would like to work on this issue...

Yes @shubham-sharma-2323 it is still open if you would like to do it!

comments in this closed PR may help @shubham-sharma-2323 #116

I would like to work on this if it is still open.

It is @swingleSara please refer to the closed PR #116 and it's comments

Hello, I'd like to take up this issue as my Hacktoberfest contribution!


Is this issue will be tagged as Hactoberfest ?

This issue is listed on Upforgrabs.net, but it sounds like it's been closed?

I want to work on this issue, it still alive?

Yes it is, it's not closed, please refer to previous comments and PR #116 for details on how to approach this

Hello. I would like to work on this issue.

Hi! I submitted #250 pull request to address this. I believe I handled the index page images. I was going to work on the other images but, I noticed since the last pull request related to this issue, it looks like you are using a new Image component. I am not sure if this component supports tags or not.

fixed in #250