teacherfund / TeacherFund_next

A website to fund teachers discretionary spending because the government sucks at it

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add post-login and post-registration pages

stripedpajamas opened this issue · comments

Since registration/login are both email based, we need a page to redirect to after each that tells the user to expect an email.

Hi @stripedpajamas , I'd like to help here. Could you add more information about this issue? It would be great to have some flow charts or some pictures as reference materials.

Hey @jfeng43 , this is hard to explain and was created as more of just a tracking bug. let me try to get some mocks to you asap!

Hey @jfeng43 , this is hard to explain and was created as more of just a tracking bug. let me try to get some mocks to you asap!

Sounds good.

I think I have an idea of how would these pages look like since I have worked on it before. Can I work on it @joelwass

Absolutely, feel free

Hi @stripedpajamas @joelwass , I just added a post-registration page: #73

The page can be accessed via localhost:3001/post-registration.
Please review my code change.


hello @stripedpajamas @joelwass i added a post login Welcome page that Greets user after they have logged in. Since the login is also email based "This is a personal opinion as i dont think a user wouldnt be happy receiving emails everytime as they login unless its an activity confirmation email". Please Review. Thanks #78