tea3 / hexo-generator-amp

AMP ⚡ HTML (Accelerated Mobile Pages) generator for Hexo.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I'm using https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next for a template. Can you convert below to swig equivalent.

Lutece opened this issue · comments

I want to install amp in my blog (use swig view template engine)
What should I do?

<% if (is_post() && config.generator_amp){ %>

'<link rel="amphtml" href="./amp/index.html"'

<% } %>

please help me :(


Hi , Thank you for using this plugin . Can you edit follow as ?


{% if is_post() && config.generator_amp %}
  <link rel="amphtml" href="./amp/index.html">
{% endif %}

i follow this steps;

  1. npm install ... generator-amp --save..
  2. add this script to header.swig file

{% if is_post() && config.generator_amp %}
link rel="amphtml" href="./amp/index.html"
{% endif %}

  1. add options to config.yml

The following settings is the quick start options.

templateDir: amp-template
assetDistDir: amp-dist
path: sample/sample-logo.png
width: 600
height: 60
path: sample/sample-substituteTitleImage.png
width: 1024
height: 800
warningLog: false # If you want to validate, please set true.

  1. hexo deployment

how to check to apply amp in myblog
is this step wrong for amp settings?


@Lutece Yes, that’s fine :D