tdewolff / minify

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Some of the complex css styles are omitted after minify

anand-rawada opened this issue · comments

In the online editor(, some of the css styles are lost after minify. Like if there are multiple calc() or var() functions are present for single CSS property, they are replaced with 1 function

Before minify
.branding-theme .slds-button.slds-button_outline-brand,
.branding-theme .slds-button.slds-button_neutral,
.branding-theme .slds-button.slds-button--neutral,
.branding-theme .slds-button.slds-button_text-destructive {
padding: calc(var(--dce-edge-xsmall, 6px) - 2px) calc(var(--dce-button-horizontal-padding, 18px) - 2px); /* 2px border */

.branding-theme .slds-spinner {
box-sizing: content-box;
border-width: var(--dce-border-medium, 4px);
border-style: solid;
border-color: var(--dce-brand-color, #01A982) var(--dce-brand-color, #01A982) var(--dce-border-weak, #0000001F);
border-radius: 100%;
transform: rotate(0deg);
animation: 1s linear 0s infinite normal none running spinner;

After minify
.branding-theme .slds-button.slds-button_outline-brand,.branding-theme .slds-button.slds-button_neutral,.branding-theme .slds-button.slds-button--neutral,.branding-theme .slds-button.slds-button_text-destructive{padding:calc(var(--dce-edge-xsmall,6px) - 2px)}.branding-theme .slds-spinner{box-sizing:content-box;border-width:var(--dce-border-medium,4px);border-style:solid;border-color:var(--dce-brand-color,#01A982);border-radius:100%;transform:rotate(0);animation:1s linear 0s infinite normal none running spinner}

Thanks for raising the issue. Issue should be fixed now!

@tdewolff Thanks for quick action on this. I confirm that calc function is working fine in chrome. Could you please do the same fix for var function as well. There is still issue with var functions

Also, I see that spaces are removed between 2 calc functions. it is definitely recommended to keep space separators between calc and var functions. Most of minifiers don`t remove them. It seems working in modern browsers, but... no 100% guarantee.

Yes, should be fixed now too. On a side note, the CSS parser and minifier could use some refactoring which is on the roadmap.