tdeekens / kodiak

๐Ÿ”ฎ A bot to automatically update and merge GitHub PRs

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A bot to automatically merge GitHub PRs



Enabling the "require branches be up to date" feature on GitHub repositories is great because, when coupled with CI, master will always be green.

However, as the number of collaborators on a GitHub repo increases, a repetitive behavior emerges where contributors are updating their branches manually hoping to merge their branch before others.

Kodiak fixes this wasteful behavior by automatically updating and merging branches. Contributors simply mark their PR with a configurable label that indicates the PR is ready to merge and Kodiak will do the rest, handling branch updates and merging, using the minimal number of branch updates to land the code on master.

This means that contributors don't have to worry about keeping their PRs up to date with the latest on master or even pressing the merge button. Kodiak does this for them.

Minimal updates

Kodiak ensures that branches are always updated before merging, but does so efficiently by only updating a PR when it's being prepared to merge. This prevents spurious CI jobs from being created as they would if all PRs were updated when their targets were updated.

How does it work?

  1. Kodiak receives a webhook event from GitHub and adds it to a queue for processing

  2. Kodiak processes these webhook events and extracts the associated pull requests for further processing

  3. The following pull request information is requested:

    • the .kodiak.toml configuration file is fetched from default repository branch
    • branch protection rules are found for the target branch
    • reviews, status checks and labels are located for the pull request
  4. Pull request mergeability is evaluated using PR data

    • configuration automerge_label, blacklist_title_regex, and blacklist_labels are checked
    • configuration merge method is checked against enabled repo merge methods
    • pull request merge states are evaluated
    • the branch is updated if necessary and this process restarts
    • branch protection rules are evaluated
  5. The pull request is merged ๐ŸŽ‰



  • Kodiak requires branch protection to be enabled to function, Kodiak won't merge PRs if branch protection is disabled.
  • Due to a limitation with the GitHub API, Kodiak doesn't support requiring signed commits. See kodiak#89.
  1. Create a .kodiak.toml file in the root of your repository on the default branch with the following contents (see kodiak/test/fixtures/config for more examples):

    # version is the only required field
    version = 1
    # the following settings can be omitted since they have defaults
    automerge_label = "automerge" # default: "automerge"
    blacklist_title_regex = "^WIP.*" # default: "^WIP.*"
    blacklist_labels = [] # default: []
    method = "squash" # default: "merge", options: "merge", "squash", "rebase"
    delete_branch_on_merge = true # default: false
    block_on_reviews_requested = false # default: false
    notify_on_conflict = true # default: true
    optimistic_updates = true # default: true
    title = "pull_request_title" # default: "github_default"
    body = "pull_request_body" # default: "github_default"
    include_pr_number = false # default: true
    body_type = "markdown" # default: "markdown"
  2. Setup Kodiak

    Kodiak can be run either through the GitHub App or by self hosting. In order to merge pull requests (PRs) Kodiak needs read write access to PRs as well as additional permissions to the repository. This means that Kodiak can see all the code in your repository.

    The current permissions that are required to use the GitHub App are:

    name level reason
    repository administration read-only branch protection info
    checks read/write PR mergeability and status report
    repository contents read/write update PRs, read configuration
    pull requests read/write PR mergeability, merge PR
    commit statuses read-only PR mergeability

    The necessary event subscriptions are:

    event name
    check run
    pull request
    pull request review
    pull request review comment

    Via GitHub App

    Follow the steps at:

    Self Hosted

    You can run the Dockerfile provided in the repo on your platform of choice or you could use the Heroku app configuration below. Redis >=5 is required for operation.

    # a unique name for the heroku app
    export APP_NAME='kodiak-prod'
    # create app with container stack
    heroku apps:create $APP_NAME
    heroku stack:set container -a $APP_NAME
    # login to registry
    heroku container:login
    # download latest release from docker hub and tag for push to heroku
    docker pull cdignam/kodiak
    docker tag cdignam/kodiak$APP_NAME/web
    # push tagged image to Heroku
    docker push$APP_NAME/web
    # create gihub app at
    # The APP_ID and PRIVATE_KEY are needed to run the app. You must also set a SECRET_KEY to pass to the app.
    # configure app environment (this can also be done through the Heroku web ui)
    heroku config:set -a $APP_NAME GITHUB_APP_ID='<GH_APP_ID>' SECRET_KEY='<GH_APP_SECRET>' GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY="-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nsome/private/key\nbits\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
    # Redis v5 is required and provided by RedisCloud
    heroku addons:create -a $APP_NAME rediscloud:30 --wait
    # release app
    heroku container:release web -a $APP_NAME

Prior Art

Name Works With GitHub Integrations Auto Merging Auto Update Branches Update Branches Efficiently Open Source Practice Dogfooding Language
Kodiak โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… Python
Bors โŒ โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โŒ Python
Homu โŒ โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โŒ Python
Gullintanni โŒ โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โŒ Elixir
Popuko โŒ โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… Go
Bors-ng โŒ โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… Elixir
Marge-bot โŒ โœ… โœ… โœ… โœ… โŒ Python
Bulldozer โœ… โœ… โœ… โŒ โœ… โŒ Go
Mergify โŒ โœ… โœ… โŒ โœ… โœ… Python
Autorebase โœ… โœ… โœ… โŒ โœ… โœ… TypeScript
Auto Merge โŒ โœ… โŒ โŒ โœ… โŒ JavaScript
Always Be Closing ๐Ÿคทโ€ โœ… โœ… ๐Ÿคทโ€ โŒ ๐Ÿคทโ€ ๐Ÿคทโ€

Works With GitHub Integration:

  • doesn't require changing CI
  • follows commit statuses & GitHub checks
  • works with PRs โ€” some services create separate test branches for merging that circumvent the simpler PR workflow

Auto Merging:

  • automatically merges PR once up to date with master and all required statuses and checks pass.

Auto Update Branches:

  • ensures branches are automatically updated to the latest version of master

Update Branches Efficiently:

  • a improvement of Auto Update Branches where branches are only updated when necessary, as opposed to updating all branches any time their target branch (usually master) updates.


# install dependencies
poetry install

# start dev server
poetry run uvicorn kodiak.main:app --reload

# type check and lint

# format code

# test code

Testing on a Live Repo

Due to the nature of a GitHub bot, testing relies largely on mocks. For testing to see if a given feature will work it is recommended to create a GitHub App and a testing GitHub repo.

Create a GitHub App via

  1. Configure the permissions as described in the setup instructions above.

  2. Add a homepage URL (anything works)

  3. Setup the webhook URL

    You probably want to use something like ngrok for this. If you do use ngrok, you may also want to signup for an account via the ngrok website so that your ngrok url for the webhook doesn't expire.

    With ngrok installed, we can run it with the Kodiak's dev port.

    ngrok http 8000

    Now we can copy the Forwarding url into the GitHub app form. Don't forget to append the path: /api/github/hook and sure to copy the https.

    Then hit create.

  4. Now install the GitHub App

    Use the Install option in the sidebar for the GitHub App.

    You will want to create a testing GitHub repo with a Kodiak config file with the app_id option set to your GitHub app's id.

    You will also need to setup branch protection in settings > branches. Make sure the Branch name pattern matches master. Then check Require status checks to pass before merging and the sub-option Require branches to be up to date before merging.

    This allows for the production version of Kodiak to be setup on all repos, while allowing the testing version to run on the configured repo. If the production version of Kodiak finds a non-matching app_id, it will ignore the repository, leaving your local version to handle it.

  5. Setup secrets

    After creating we need to add a Webhook secret. The field is labeled (optional) but it is necessary for Kodiak to work.

    You can fill it in with a UUID -- be sure to hold onto it, we'll need it later.

    Now you need to generate a private key via the generate private key button under the Private keys section.

    Move the secret key to directory where you are running Kodiak.

Run the dev server

Note: you need to replace the $SHARE_SECRET, $GH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH and $GITHUB_APP_ID with your own values.

The GitHub App ID can be found in the About sections of your GitHub App.


You can create a test PR via the following shell function.

Note: you need to have hub installed.

create_mock_pr() {
  git pull &&
  uuidgen >> "$(uuidgen).txt" &&
  git checkout -b $(uuidgen) &&
  git add . &&
  git commit -am $(uuidgen) &&
  git push --set-upstream origin $(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD) &&
  hub pull-request -l automerge -m "$(uuidgen)" &&
  git checkout master

Releasing a new version

docker pull cdignam/kodiak:$GIT_SHA
docker tag cdignam/kodiak:$GIT_SHA$APP_NAME/web
docker push$APP_NAME/web
heroku container:release -a $APP_NAME web


๐Ÿ”ฎ A bot to automatically update and merge GitHub PRs

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 99.3%Language:Shell 0.6%Language:Dockerfile 0.2%