tdeekens / flopflip

🎚Flip or flop features in your React application in real-time backed by flag provider of your choice 🚦

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React-Redux: typescript types in selectFeatureFlag seem off

jaypea opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
ts(2345) Argument of type 'AppState' is not assignable to parameter of type 'Flags'.

To Reproduce
given i have a setup like this:

import { selectFeatureFlag } from '@flopflip/react-redux';

type AppState  = { 

const mapStateToProps = (state: AppState) => ({
  someOtherState: state.someOtherState,
  isFeatureOn: selectFeatureFlag('fooFlagName')(state),

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(FooComponent);

Then i get the above mentioned typescript error.

Workaround is ugly and breaking type safety:
isFeatureOn: selectFeatureFlag('fooFlagName')((state as any) as Flags),

Expected behavior
Have another Type for the state in the definitions instead of :
export declare const selectFlag: (flagName: string) => (state: Flags) => string | boolean;

Is there another way to use this selector with typescript which i just didn't see?


thanks for reporting! Sorry for the issue with the typing I am personally not using the Redux package so I didn't spot this myself but wanted to provide it for the communicaty. I am not aware of another way of using the selector in a type safe manner. I think calling the state flags is false? Maybe just a super set with at least flags?

Thanks. Changed that and published a canary (automatically from master). You can try the build with the version: 8.1.3-next.5 in your package.json. Let me know if this works for you. Thanks.

unfortunately this didn't work
type 'AppState' has no properties in common with type 'State'.ts(2559)

my guess now is, it would need an exposed type with the [FLOPFLIP_STATE_SLICE]: flopflipReducer, somehow involved.

Yeap. Ok, will have a look later when I find time. If you have a clue already: a PR would be welcome :)

the fix worked, thanks for the fast response


Successfully published:

  • @flopflip/react-redux@8.1.3
  • @flopflip/splitio-adapter@1.3.14

Thanks a lot for your contributions!