tcoopman / image-webpack-loader

Image loader module for webpack

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Disable Optimization Per File

danman113 opened this issue · comments

Not all images are born equal. Sometimes you want some images to be compressed more than others (e.g., a background image stretched across the entire page vs a thumbnail), and sometimes you don't want a particular image to be compressed.

Is there currently a way to do that using this plugin aside from adding specific rules to your webpack config?

I tried using the inline loader syntax (!!file-loader!../../assets...) to no avail.

There is currently no way of doing this.

How would you propose this would look like?
Are there any other people with such needs?

There is currently no way of doing this.

I looked at !!file-loader!../../assets... again and this actually does work, just not in scss files for some reason (this seems to be related to resolve-url-loader). This works, but also has the problem of forcing you to re-write your entire loader configuration inline.

How would you propose this would look like?

Ideally query params are the way to go. Something like responsive-loader. So it would look like myImage.jpg?unoptimized, or perhaps even enable per-file performance tuning (myImage.jpg?quality=85).

I figured out how to do this in webpack 4, you can use the resourceQuery flag.

Here's my config

{ test: /\.(png|jpe?g|mp3|wav|ogg)$/, loader: 'file-loader' },
{ test: /\.(png|jpe?g|mp3|wav|ogg)$/, loader: 'image-webpack-loader', resourceQuery: str => !/unoptimized/.test(str) },