tconfrey / BrainTool

A better way to manage Tabs, Links and Notes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

(Org-mode Interop) Clobbering Properties

ComedyTomedy opened this issue · comments

This may not be a design goal, or perhaps not for 1.0, but I think it's a good idea to leave any org-mode markup that BrainTool doesn't understand unaltered, so that the file can seamlessly interop with Emacs, eleventy, org-roam, LogSeq, and other apps that speak org.

The Problem

I tried adding a property drawer to one of the links:

:ID: this-is-my-id
:prop: value is a string with whitespace

After importing to BT, editing the link, then M-x revert-buffer in Emacs, it's been changed to:

:ID: this
:prop: value

The Solution

The problem is in BTAppNode.js line 595.

        const reg = /:(\w*):\s*(\w*)/g;              // regex to iterate thru props and values

Can be altered to:

        const reg = /:(\w*):\s*(.*\w)/g;              // regex to iterate thru props and values

This uses the greediness of \s* to guarantee we're not starting the value on whitespace, the greediness of .* to ensure the whole value is included, and the \w character to effectively strip any trailing whitespace (matching the behaviour of Emacs org-entry-get.

...we could also do a simpler value slurp and leave trailing whitespace unaltered, too. I can't imagine anything relies on trailing whitespace in values though, given that org won't read it.