tconfrey / BrainTool

A better way to manage Tabs, Links and Notes

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Keyboard short improvements (and UX feedback)

tveyben opened this issue · comments

Hi tconfrey
I just found your tool from reading HN ( The best link I have found in a long time!

It looks awsome and just what I need (also just started migrating ORG to be my daily goto for GTD, knowledge etc).

I am sure that (after making a good Hello World! test) I will be adding a sincere(!) 5* review/blog post to qualify for your generous one-time-offer (I did read the google-discussion about the subject, good thoughts there!)

As I am only starting to test BT now my feedback is from a really fresh set of eyes.

Sorry for the long introduction, now for the actual feedback:
Being a keyboard-shortcut-aficionado I do have a few request/suggestions based on what seems to me to be the "de facto" shortcuts across most other tools I use (EG Jira, vimium plugin etc)


  • Use 'ESC' for CANCEL (eg in Edit card, Close Help, Close Options etc)
  • Use '?' for help (can even co-exist with 'h')
  • Use '/' for search (can even co-exist with 's')

I get confused by the same bg-color being used for a selected item as well as for the tools overlay (dark green).
I prefer the difference that can be seen when hovering (light green)

  • Consider implementing a third nuance of green to allow this distinction

I have a very ambivalent relationship with animations often it get's implemented as a "look how fanzy this is" and not a "pay attention - now something is changing here". Your implementation is not in the first category, but :-)

  • Reduce the time animations take (subjectively - have not used my stopwatch yet - it looks like a full second is used, I think speeding it up to ~200 ms would make it feel a lot snappier
    (if I can find the place in the source code I can play with it my self)

PS.: Awsome concept(!)

Thanks @tveyben , good input. Some feedback:
SHORTCUTS: Escape already ends Search, closes the Saver tool and the Options/Actions overlay. So I'm inconsistent and agree with the suggestion. Adding '?' and '/' makes sense. Longer term I'm hoping to be able to let users define their own key bindings.

COLORS: LMK (ideally on the discussion group - ) what you think of the new color scheme in 0.9.9

ANIMATIONS: I recently started working w a designer (hence the new colors etc). I'll put this in the hopper.

@tconfrey - Not sure if I should make a new issue for this, but I use an alternative keyboard layout and the keyboard shortcuts are currently defaulting to QWERTY anyway in BrainTool.