tc-hib / go-winres

Command line tool for adding Windows resources to executable files

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

git-tag not working with simply

arojoal opened this issue · comments

I've just installed your tool with "go get".
I'm trying to generate resources with "simply" command this way:

go-winres simply --product-version=git-tag --file-version=git-tag --file-description="MKey process" --icon=winres/#1_0409.ico

But when I compile de .exe file, It takes correctly the file description and ico but it shows "git-tag" texts as Product Version and "" as File-Version.

If I generate the res file with go-winres make --product-version=git-tag --file-version=git-tag it works fine. What could I be doing wrong with the Simply command?

Thanks a lot for reporting this bug.
This sounds like I forgot to call a function in the "simply" path, and I'll fix it as soon as possible.
Most likely tomorrow.

Hello again,

This should work now.

Thanks again.