tbrlpld / PlotGraph

Sublime Text package to plot number columns as graphs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Update README for correct display in PackageControl.io

tbrlpld opened this issue · comments

There are some differences, how PackageControl.io displays the README, compared to Github.

Also, add the PackageControl installation instructions to the README.

@tibsel , it Package Control site problem, not problem of packages.

I think, the best way — add documentation of your package to separate site, not in README.MD and make in your README.MD link to your documentation. For example, see, how I make for my package.


(Offtop). May you view this question? In your plugin user may set path to Python executable file. Possibly, you can answer it.


@Kristinita Thanks for the hint.

Regarding your second (off topic) post, I have answered your question on Stack Overflow.
If you need more input, let me know.

Best regards.

I made some changes to the READEME anyway (commit).

We will see if it helps.