tbranyen / hyperlist

A performant virtual scrolling list utility capable of rendering millions of rows

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

First "page" not quite right

alindsay55661 opened this issue · comments

First off, excellent work on this much needed utility.

I am experiencing a strange issue where the first set of data has very odd behavior. In my particular case, if I scroll the data stops displaying at row 57. However, as I keep scrolling, once row 57 reaches the top of the grid, suddenly rows 58-xx become visible as expected. All scrolling works perfectly after this first "page" of data.

This is also true in reverse. If I scroll backwards everything works perfectly until I hit row 57 (now at the top of the grid). Once I hit that row, rows 58-xx immediately disappear. Continued scrolling brings in rows 0-57.

Not all sure what might be causing this, but thought I would report.

My grid contains 500k rows btw.

May you provide a fiddle/plunkr with a case reproduction? What version are you using?


Ok, plunker created. In this plunker the effected row happens to be 36.


Let me know your thoughts, thanks!

May you try my patch #32?

Works perfectly!