tbicr / web-framework-rank

Wisdom of the crowd web framework rank

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web Framework Rank

Wisdom of the crowd web framework rank.

Rank and Score

name rank score pypistats downloads last month pypi used as main dependency stackoverflow questions github stars repo unique committers repo changed lines last month repo unique committers last month repo last commit
Django 1 97 14966227 6498 311595 76137 3055 5904 41 2024-03-16
FastAPI 2 93 38272324 2408 6572 69359 614 4019 17 2024-03-16
AIOHTTP 3 87 105398335 5999 1680 14444 744 423 5 2024-03-12
Dash 4 80 2877060 429 4581 20283 180 20615 7 2024-03-08
Twisted 5 80 4449696 429 3471 5384 317 2952 9 2024-03-15
Werkzeug 6 77 112276367 1251 648 6518 498 54 5 2024-03-05
Tornado 7 76 38972633 1032 3766 21470 452 2 1 2024-03-03
Starlette 8 73 28817475 578 302 9285 275 267 4 2024-03-05
Flask 9 70 97675629 5121 55480 65994 846 0 0 2024-02-12
Pyramid 10 69 2879605 240 2217 3894 367 12 2 2024-03-03
Falcon 11 62 1052989 136 201 9359 209 25 1 2024-03-02
Zope 12 60 37403 45 739 342 177 899 3 2024-03-14
CherryPy 13 58 1057723 119 1373 1771 151 8 2 2024-02-25
web.py 14 55 134262 18 889 5866 96 169 1 2024-02-21
Bottle 15 53 3812161 247 1485 8256 232 0 0 2024-01-03
Robyn 16 53 35351 1 0 3309 62 112 5 2024-03-16
Quart 17 53 495747 121 178 2544 104 2 1 2024-03-06
Sanic 18 52 854411 351 206 17644 374 0 0 2024-01-01
TurboGears 19 47 2124 0 152 797 38 1013 1 2024-03-15
hug 20 39 62854 16 33 6809 125 0 0 2023-06-30
web2py 21 37 318 0 2135 2074 276 0 0 2024-01-16
Emmett 22 37 721 4 0 938 26 10 1 2024-02-27
Grok 23 34 488 0 491 25 45 2 1 2024-02-21
Quixote 24 32 166 2 0 82 6 99 1 2024-03-01
Pylons 25 28 62179 0 828 231 36 0 0 2018-01-12
py4web 26 28 868 5 0 218 72 0 0 2024-01-21
Morepath 27 27 6296 21 0 396 28 0 0 2022-05-29
Vibora 28 24 305 1 0 5683 27 0 0 2019-02-11
Pycnic 29 21 1560 1 0 159 11 0 0 2022-04-05
CubicWeb 30 20 8156 24 0 0 0 0 0
Growler 31 17 38 0 0 688 6 0 0 2020-03-08
Giotto 32 12 78 0 0 59 3 0 0 2013-10-07

Score Calculation Algorithm

Score calculated as next way:

  • calculate field score for framework for each field
    • for each field get framework value
    • order values from smallest to heights
    • field score for framework is index in ordered list starting from 1 divided to count of frameworks
  • sum filed score of each field and divide to number of fields
  • increase score to 100 to get result form 0 to 100

Fields Used for Score Calculation

Next fields used to calculate score and rank it:

  • last month package downloads from pypi
  • projects on pypi with framework as main dependency
  • stackoverflow questions for appropriate framework tag
  • github stars
  • unique committers
  • lines updated last month
  • unique committers last month
  • last update in master (weeks from last update)

All Data Fields

data.csv contains wide range of metrics about frameworks collected weekly. There are next fields presented in it:

  • name
  • rank
  • score
  • pypistats_downloads_last_month
  • pypi_project_mentions
  • pypi_used_as_main_dependency
  • pypi_used_as_main_dependency_with_extra
  • pypi_used_as_deep_dependency
  • pypi_used_as_deep_dependency_with_extra
  • pypi_releases
  • pypi_last_release_at
  • stackoverflow_questions
  • github_stars
  • github_forks
  • github_watches
  • github_size
  • github_created_at
  • github_updated_at
  • repo_lines
  • repo_size
  • repo_commits
  • repo_committers
  • repo_changed_lines_last_month
  • repo_commits_last_month
  • repo_committers_last_month
  • repo_first_commit_at
  • repo_last_commit_at
  • collected_at


Wisdom of the crowd web framework rank

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%