tbaranes / SwiftyUtils

All the reusable code that we need in each project

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xCode 8 GM and Swift 3

justdan0227 opened this issue · comments


Attempting to use the pod and getting:

Module file's minimum deployment target is ios10.0 v10.0 ??? All set to ios10 (really want it to be ios9)

That's weird, it should be 8.0. Just give a quick look at the podspec, everything seems good. I will give it a a deeper look next week.

Also, can you try to target the master directly (just to see if you have the same error)?

pod 'SwiftyUtils', :git => https://github.com/tbaranes/SwiftyUtils.git

yeah something is off.. If i create a clean new project it works just fine. Investigating...


Ok so if I have it all set to iOS10 it works just fine. However if I want to target ios9 as well and set Deployment to ios9, it fails?

That's really weird (still didn't try myself). What version of CocoaPods are you using?


my bad. sorry .. if I set it to 8 it fails. 9 is just fine. pod version is 0.39.0

So, is it ok for you or is there still an issue? 😆


Yeah with using pod version < 1.0 I had to also add

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.0'
      config.build_settings['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '10.10'

to get past the version issue that pod has. Thanks. This can be closed

I see, I think if you use their last beta version, it should work as expected. A lot of things has been broken with the new toolchain / Swift 3.

Anyway, glad to see that's working for you! :)


Yeah thanks.. unfortunately I can't use that latest and greatest pd because I have a legacy Ruby On Rails project that will not work with pod > 1.0.. uggg :)