tbaranes / SwiftyUtils

All the reusable code that we need in each project

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Readme on Date updated

justdan0227 opened this issue · comments


Does the readme need to be corrected for:

Check if a date is in future or past:

let later = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: -100000)
print(now.isInFuture) // true
print(now.isInPast) // false

later is not used in the example?

I'm not sure what you mean, these both functions are available, what's wrong in the README?

I think OP meant that the code comments are wrong (reversed, specifically). isInFuture should be false since the date is in the past.

Aaaah, yes you are right, that's a typo in the README :)

I fixed it directly on master, thanks for the reporting!