tbaltrushaitis / cv

:mortar_board: Best in Class modern CV, Resume and Portfolio website template. All-in-One-Page site with simply customizable builder.

Home Page:http://bit.ly/tomascv

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Installation Still Not Working: Make Processes Ran Successfully But Webpage 403s

SamGreenwood1 opened this issue · comments

@tbaltrushaitis I noticed that there's a reference to /var/www/html/cv.git/webroot in ~/cv/etc/nginx/sites-available/010-cv but, that file doesn't exist on my server. Is cv.git supposed to be a link to the cv directory?

2:37 PM ET: just tried that it didn't help. I realized that there's an ssl error when I try to access it over HTTPS. are your certs in the repo?

Originally posted by @SamGreenwood1 in #52 (comment)

@tbaltrushaitis I noticed that there's a reference to /var/www/html/cv.git/webroot in ~/cv/etc/nginx/sites-available/010-cv but, that file doesn't exist on my server. Is cv.git supposed to be a link to the cv directory?

2:37 PM ET: just tried that it didn't help. I realized that there's an ssl error when I try to access it over HTTPS. are your certs in the repo?

Answered here

I ended up restarting the setup process and am getting this error I don't remember how I fixed it.

I ended up restarting the setup process and am getting this error I don't remember how I fixed it. image

Its not the CV repo problem. Looks like some kind of network issue or so...

Now getting a different error: