tazsingh / griffin.js

A Flux Toolkit

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Griffin.js - A Flux Toolkit

All you need to Flux.

How to Install

npm install --save griffin.js

Then you can simply require Griffin.js from your app:

var griffin = require("griffin.js");
var Action = griffin.Action;
var Store = griffin.Store;
var connect = griffin.connect;

// or using ES2015 modules
import {Action, Store, connect} from "griffin.js";

Basics of Griffin.js

Griffin is a set of tools to assist with building Flux applications. It reduces boilerplate and complexity by providing extensible classes. Everything is a class in Griffin and it's easy to string together classes to build an application.

The different types of classes

Action is the entrypoint into your application. Actions can compose other actions and are responsible for business logic. That is, AJAX calls, server-side push, service coordination, UI events, and importantly bundling state to pass to the Stores.

Store is a singleton class responsible for reducing state to pass to the Component. All dispatched Actions are passed to every Store with Flux. It is the Store's responsibility to see if it cares about that Action and how its internal state changes thereafter. This internal state is passed to bound Components if a change is detected.

Component is a React.js component. It is bound to the Stores via the @connect decorator function. The end result is that your Stores' internal state is mapped onto props of your Component.

Example App

TorontoJS Website - Built a promotional website for TorontoJS to pull in JavaScript events from Toronto and the surrounding area. It also displays videos and general information about TorontoJS while serving as a base on which to expand upon. Uses Griffin.js, WebPack, React Router, Babel.js, and React Transform.

Rets.ly/Zillow Hackathon - A team of three built an app in 24 hours using Griffin.js, WebPack, React Router, and a few other tools.


Join the TorontoJS Slack chat in the #help channel.




A Flux Toolkit


Language:JavaScript 100.0%