tayciryahmed / monilog

🌐 HTTP log monitoring console

Home Page:https://tayciryahmed.github.io/monilog/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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This project allows watching and logging all HTTP traffic of a system, generating log in w3c log format, showing statistics about total requests, maximum hits, requests in a timespan and alerting when traffic is above a customizable threshold.


  • Python and preferably Linux.


  • You can execute simulate.sh to run a simulation of how this project works. The simulation setup is customisable, feel free to play with it.

  • Make sure to install the package by runing :

python setup.py install 


pip install monilog
  • To run the monitoring in your own log file, run:
monitoring --file /path/to/your/file --threshold 10
  • To customize the log generation, run:
log_generator --rates 9 11 8 --durations 150 150 150

With rates being the number of requests per second for each step of the simulation and durations being the durations of the corresponding simulation steps.

  • To execute the tests , run :
nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=monilog

Attention: The monitoring is stopped when no new logs are written to the log file during MAX_IDLE_TIME set by default to 2 minutes. This is added to manage stopping the monitoring automatically, particularly when doing limited time simulations.

Future Improvements

This is a first working solution for http log monitoring. Many improvements can be added :

  • Managing threaded access to the log file using cross-platform file locking. The current implementation is tested on Linux and may cause errors in Windows.
  • Enhancing the display of the log analysis and statistics. For now, the monitoring results are written to standard output and to a log file with the naming convention simulation-<timestamp>.log. A better setup would be to customize the GUI using npyscreen for instance.
  • It is also possible to build a live dashboard consuming simulation-<timestamp>.log data and mapping it to graphs.
  • Pushing alerting notifications by email or SMS to admins / owners of the monitored system.
  • Adding more relevant statistics to the analysis of the website and handle timezone changes.
  • Writing extensive unit and integration tests.
  • For a higher scale of data requiring high availability in a production setup, a more robust solution would be indexing the logs in ElasticSearch and building Kibana dashboards, with a stream-processing platform such as Kafka.


🌐 HTTP log monitoring console


License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.0%Language:Shell 1.0%