tavanaei / ExplainableCNN

Explainable CNN (XCNN)

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XCNN: Embedded Encoder-Decoder in Convolutional Networks Towards Explainable AI

This paper proposes a new explainable convolutional neural network (XCNN) which represents important and driving visual features of stimuli in an end-to-end model architecture. This network employs encoder-decoder neural networks in a CNN architecture to represent regions of interest in an image based on its category. The proposed model is trained without localization labels and generates a heat-map as part of the network architecture without extra post-processing steps. The experimental results on the CIFAR-10, Tiny ImageNet, and MNIST datasets showed the success of our algorithm (XCNN) to make CNNs explainable while offering a simple architecture that can be reapplied to any CNN classifier.

Implementation Setup:

Main libraries

  • Python (python=3.7)

  • PyTorch (torch==1.4.0)

  • Keras (keras==2.2.4)

  • Other required libraries (such as cv2, matplotlib, numpy, etc. used in the Training and Test codes)

Files and Folders:

1- Code: All codes are here

2- Models: Includes trained PyTorch XCNN models for heatmap generation; and Trained Keras VGG-16 models for the Innvestigate Tool

3- TestImages: Sample images used in the paper

4- tinyimagenet_data, mnist_data, cifar_data: These are the folders that will be used when you download corresponding datasets.

5- Results.ipynb: Regenerating the results shown in the paper and to generate new results using new images

Data Collection:

MNIST: Download in the code using Torchvision

CIFAR-10: Download in the code using Torchvision

TinyImageNet Download from https://tiny-imagenet.herokuapp.com/ in the 'tinyimagenet_data' folder


System Used: Linux Ubuntu, GPU 1080 (8G), Cuda 10

Example: CIFAR-10 training

python TrainCifar.py -epoch 300 -lr 0.001 -wd 0.000001 -beta 0.9 -cuda -gpu 0 -batch 128 -lr_decay 0.95

  • XCNN model architecture can be changed in the Train files by changing the generator and discriminator kernels, fully connected layers, and other hyperparameters.

  • The XCNN model details can be found in XAI.py

  • Data.py prepares data for TinyImageNet

  • Default hyperparameters are the ones used in the paper


Please see the detail in 'Results.ipynb' to generate heatmaps by the XCNN and other methods. Example:


Amirhossein Tavanaei, 'Embedded Encoder-Decoder in Convolutional Networks Towards Explainable AI', Arxiv 2020, https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.06712


Explainable CNN (XCNN)


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.2%Language:Python 0.8%