tautvydasr / blade-class-names

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Blade class names

Build Status

Simple package which helps to handle conditional html classes in blade templates.

NOTICE: If Laravel 8 or later is used consider using native @class directive instead.


First of all require this package in composer:

composer require tautvydasr/blade-class-names

Finally, add service provider to providers array in your config/app.php file for Laravel:

'providers' => [
    // ...
    // ...

or register service provider in bootstrap/app.php if using Lumen:



Basically package allows you to simplify conditional classes situations like this

<a href="#" class="menu-item{{ $loop->first ? ' first-item' : '' }}{{ request()->routeIs('foo') ? ' active' : '' }}">

to this using blade directive @classNames().

<a href="#" class="@classNames('menu-item', ['first-item' => $loop->first, 'active' => request()->routeIs('foo')])">

For Lumen users it can be accessed via app() helper or facade.

<a href="#" class="app('classnames')->render('menu-item', ['first-item' => $loop->first, 'active' => request()->routeIs('foo')])">

<a href="#" class="\ClassNames\ClassNamesFacade::render('menu-item', ['first-item' => $loop->first, 'active' => request()->routeIs('foo')])">

Using facade approach make sure the line $app->withFacades(); is uncommented in bootstrap/app.php file.

Local setup

Copy example docker compose config file (optional):

cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml

Run docker containers (optional):

docker-compose up -d

Login to docker container where CONTAINER_ID is your id (optional):

docker exec -ti CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash

Install dependencies using composer:

composer install


Run phpunit tests:



Package is free to use and is licensed under the MIT license


License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%