tattle-made / feluda

A configurable engine for analysing multi-lingual and multi-modal content.

Home Page:https://tattle.co.in/products/feluda/

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[Apr 28 - May 11] Engage with contributors

aatmanvaidya opened this issue · comments

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A contributors work on clustering videos is being tracked here - #277

@dennyabrain @aatmanvaidya
I was trying to set up feluda in my local system. After cloning the repo in a conda environment, I ran all the commands, moved the docker files - Dockerfile.vid_vec_rep_resnet and Dockerfile.image_vec_rep_resnet to src, changed the paths in the docker files accordingly. Created the doker containers,All commands were executed successfully, but the last command docker exec -it feluda_api python server.py was unable to execute. there was an error stating cv2 not found regardless of the presence of opencv-python-headless in the vid_vec_rep_resnet_requirements.txt file whose contents were installed earlier. When i manually installed it in feluda_api container, then next time it showed scipy not found. it means that the contents of vid_vec_rep_resnet_requirements.txt are not getting located by feluda_api. I want to ask do i need to create an additional docker file for the creation of container feluda_api ?
Screenshot from 2024-05-22 21-42-46

Hi @Aryankb, which installation instructions did you follow? was it the setup guide on the Wiki - https://github.com/tattle-made/feluda/wiki/Setup-Feluda-Locally

So when you do docker-compose up, what the base Dockerfile will do is just install some core requirements of Feluda and might not have operator specific requirements installed. For example the video operator (vid_vec_rep_resnet.py) requires torch and cv2, that won't be installed.

so for installing operator specific requirements, you can follow the instructions here.

  1. exec into the docker container
docker exec --user python feluda_api /bin/sh
  1. then install requirements for that operator
cd core/operators
pip install --require-hashes --no-deps -r vid_vec_rep_resnet_requirements.txt

So install the libraries inside the docker image itself

and now if you run python server.py from inside the docker container, that should work!

please let me know if I can help out in any other way!

Thankyou for the guidance. I followed the installation instructions given in the readme file previously. Now it is working fine. But now the localhost:7000 is not getting loaded. What could be the reason? (localhost:9200, localhost:15672 are running)

Hi, @Aryankb, I think localhost:7000 not getting loaded in a known issue to us, it has to do with some flask package updates. We will fix it soon, regardless, since Feluda is a backend engine, there is no UI as such, so even if localhost:7000 won't load, you will still be able to use the server