taskflow / taskflow

A General-purpose Parallel and Heterogeneous Task Programming System

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TF_DISABLE_EXCEPTION_HANDLING does not disable all exceptions

pavanakumar opened this issue · comments

When compiling with -fno-exceptions and explicitly specifying TF_DISABLE_EXCEPTION_HANDLING before including the header even the simple example does not compile.

#include <taskflow/taskflow.hpp>

int main(int nargs, char *args[]) {
  tf::Executor executor;
  tf::Taskflow taskflow("simple");

  auto [A, B, C, D] = taskflow.emplace([]() { std::cout << "TaskA\n"; },
                                       []() { std::cout << "TaskB\n"; },
                                       []() { std::cout << "TaskC\n"; },
                                       []() { std::cout << "TaskD\n"; });

  A.precede(B, C); // A runs before B and C
  D.succeed(B, C); // D runs after  B and C


  return 0;

It looks like there are only two places that needs replacement (master branch)

In file taskflow/core/error.h line 20

template <typename... ArgsT>
//void throw_se(const char* fname, const size_t line, Error::Code c, ArgsT&&... args) {
void throw_re(const char* fname, const size_t line, ArgsT&&... args) {
  std::ostringstream oss;
  oss << "[" << fname << ":" << line << "] ";
  //ostreamize(oss, std::forward<ArgsT>(args)...);
  (oss << ... << args);
  throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());

and in taskflow/utility/object_pool.hpp line no 629

    else {
      //printf("create a new superblock\n");
      f = 0;
      //s = static_cast<Block*>(std::malloc(sizeof(Block)));
      s = new Block();

      if(s == nullptr) {
        throw std::bad_alloc();

Once they are made to respect TF_DISABLE_EXCEPTION_HANDLING the example compiles. Is it not possible to compile taskflow without exception safety?