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Middleware for Rocket

djmitche opened this issue · comments

Hey @djmitche ! Would this need to be implemented as a Fairing for rocket? https://rocket.rs/guide/fairings/

Hi Chinmay! I don't know much about Rocket, but from looking at that page, it seems so!

My plan was to implement a struct invoking a rocket::FromRequest, but it seems that rocket is only usable with rust nightly.

The hyper middleware has moved out to its own repostitory, so it might make sense to do the same with rocket, and make that require nightly.

That said, if rocket is still so early-stages that it requires nightly, then perhaps we would not find any users of such middleware. I'm not sure how best to find out if that's the case -- perhaps reach out to the Rocket developers?

I'm leaning toward not having any framework-specific middleware.