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Real World Datasets for Autonomous Navigation

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Tsukuba Challenge Datasets

Real World Datasets for Autonomous Navigation

Tsukuba Challenge 2019 Course

TC2019, fuRo, Sensor Data

If you use our dataset in your academic work, please cite the following paper [DOI]:

Yoshitaka Hara and Masahiro Tomono: "Moving Object Removal and Surface Mesh Mapping for Path Planning on 3D Terrain", Advanced Robotics, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 375--387, 2020.

TC2019, fuRo, Map Data

If you use our dataset in your academic work, please cite the following paper [DOI]:

Yoshitaka Hara and Masahiro Tomono: "Moving Object Removal and Surface Mesh Mapping for Path Planning on 3D Terrain", Advanced Robotics, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 375--387, 2020.

TC2019, Tsuchiura Project, Sensor Data

  • Short Name: tc19_tsuchiuraPJ
  • File: 2019-11-10-13-37-16.bag
  • Size: 12.8 GB
  • Format: rosbag
  • Date: 2019-11-10 13:37:16
  • Duration: 53:18s
  • Setup: Mobile Robot (Autonomous Operation)
  • Sensors:
    • Lidar: Hokuyo YVT-X002, UTM-30LX-EW, URM-40LC-EW
    • Camera: Ricoh Theta S, logicool C920
    • Radar: No
    • GNSS: u-blox NEO-M8T
    • IMU: No
    • Motor Encoders (Wheel Odometry): Yes
  • Description: This bag file is compressed with 7z.
  • License: TBD

Tsukuba Challenge 2018 Course

TC2018, fuRo, Sensor Data

If you use our dataset in your academic work, please cite the following paper [DOI]:

Yoshitaka Hara and Masahiro Tomono: "Moving Object Removal and Surface Mesh Mapping for Path Planning on 3D Terrain", Advanced Robotics, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 375--387, 2020.

TC2018, fuRo, Map Data

If you use our dataset in your academic work, please cite the following paper [DOI]:

Yoshitaka Hara and Masahiro Tomono: "Moving Object Removal and Surface Mesh Mapping for Path Planning on 3D Terrain", Advanced Robotics, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 375--387, 2020.

Other Courses

[WIP] Tsudanuma 2020, fuRo, Sensor Data

Tsudanuma 2020, Chiba Institute of Technology, Sensor Data

  • Short Name: CIT_Tsudanuma
  • File: CIT_2020_compressed.bag
  • Size: 57 GB
  • Format: rosbag
  • Date: 2020-08-27 17:43:12
  • Duration: 56:12s
  • Setup: Mobile Robot (Joystick Operation)
  • Sensors:
    • Lidar: Velodyne VLP-16
    • Camera: Intel Realsense d435i (without depth)
    • Radar: No
    • GNSS: Drogger DG-PRO1RW (Independent Positioning)
    • IMU: Analog Devices ADIS16465
    • Motor Encoders (Wheel Odometry): Yes
  • Description: This bag file is compressed with a command rosbag compress.
  • License: TBD

Tsudanuma 2020, Chiba Institute of Technology, Map Data

  • Short Name: map_tsudanuma
  • File: map_tsudanuma.pcd
  • Size: 490.8 MB
  • Format: pcd
  • Number of Points: 13,583,284
  • Point Type:
    • XYZ: Yes
    • Intensity: Yes
    • Color: No
    • Normal: Yes
  • SLAM Method: Occupancy Voxel Mapping using LIO-SAM.
  • Description: Tsudanuma Campus of Chiba Institute of Technology.
  • License: TBD

Example Course Template

Course Name, Team Name, Sensor Data / Map Data

[WIP] Related Datasets


Real World Datasets for Autonomous Navigation