tarantool / watchdog

tarantool watchdog module

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How to understand the reason watchdog triggered

filonenko-mikhail opened this issue · comments

In case when watchdog kill the host process there are no debug info what's wrong with app server.

coio watchdog.c:31 E> Watchdog timeout 10.0 sec. Aborting
core.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=6/NOTCONFIGURED
core.service entered failed state.
core.service failed.
core.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
systemd[1]: Stopped Tarantool Cartridge app mdm@core.

Watchdog issues sigabrt from within C function, it can't access Lua at that moment.

To investigate the problem you need the coredump + gdb + openresty-gdb-tools (or https://github.com/tarantool/luajit/blob/tarantool/src/luajit-gdb.py)

Resolved in #11, #15