tantalic / dropbox-oneway

One-way sync of content from Dropbox.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

"Error:" without message on startup

adamcharnock opened this issue · comments

First, this project is exactly what I need, thank you. However, I get an error upon startup. All I see is:

$ docker run -e DROPBOX_TOKEN=mytoken -e DROPBOX_DIRECTORY=ExampleDirectory -e LOCAL_DIRECTORY=/root tantalic/dropbox-oneway:v0.1.1
2017/06/06 15:02:04 Starting dropbox-oneway (v0.1.1)
2017/06/06 15:02:05 Error:

Sadly this is no error message. I would like to petition for there being an error message :-)

Ah, ignore that. DROPBOX_DIRECTORY=ExampleDirectory should have been DROPBOX_DIRECTORY=/ExampleDirectory

@adamcharnock - Thanks for filing an issue. Glad you solved your issue, but I will definitely improve the error message. Any other feedback or suggestions are welcome!

Thank you @tantalic. My only nice-to-have would be lower memory consumption. However, it currently takes 4x less than the official Dropbox client (200Mb vs 800Mb in my use case), so I'm already spoilt :-)