tanaynigam / Conway-s-Game-Of-Life

2D and 3D implementation of Conway's Game of Life

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Conway's Game of life


The Game of Life, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. The "game" is a zero-player game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state, requiring no further input.

This project is a Unity implementation of Game of life in 2D and 3D.

In the 2D verion of the Game, the color White is used for representing Dead cells and black for Alive cells.

In the 3D version of the Game, the Black cubes are used for representing Alive cells and the Dead cells disappear from the view.

The 2D and 3D version of the game works on the following rules.

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies.
  2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives.
  3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies.
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell.

The game is activated by filling in the initial conditions on a grid of size [60x28] and running Play.


Here is how you can run this project on your local machine:

  • Clone the Repo from GitHub

  • Open either of the Project on Windows on Unity version 2017.02+ (Preferably 2017.03.0f3)

  • Enter the values for Speed_in_Seconds and blocks at the Inputs at the Script Component. The Script attached to the "Grid" GameObject.

  • The Inputs to be entered follow these set of rules:

    • The Speed_in_seconds component of the script determines the update speed of the game in seconds.
    • The Blocks component of the Script determines the initial placement of the Alive Cells to start the game. The inputs require using the Size factor of the block to input number of initial Alive Cells and then input coordinates of each Alive Cell.
    • The coordinates of the grid corresponds to a regular X-Y grid with X=0 and Y=0 at the center of the grid/Camera.
    • After Initializing, hitting the Play button allows the Game of Life to run through the rest of its iterations.
  • For the 3D version of the game, It is possible to control the camera for different viewpoints of the Game of Life:

    • The Arrow Keys or W/A/S/D control the movement of the Camera
    • The Mouse controls the direction of the view of the Camera
  • Here are few examples of Inputs that can be used for initializing the Game of Life:

    Speed_in_Seconds: 1
    Size: 8
    Element0 X: 0 Y: 0
    Element1 X: 1 Y: 0
    Element2 X: 0 Y: 1
    Element3 X: 1 Y: 1
    Element4 X: -1 Y: -1
    Element5 X: -1 Y: -2
    Element6 X: -2 Y: -1
    Element7 X: -2 Y: -2

    Speed_in_Seconds: 1
    Size: 8
    Element0 X: -1 Y: 0
    Element1 X: 0 Y: 0
    Element2 X: 1 Y: 0

    Speed_in_Seconds: 1
    Size: 6
    Element0 X: 0 Y: 0
    Element1 X: 1 Y: 0
    Element2 X: 2 Y: 0
    Element3 X: 1 Y: -1
    Element4 X: 0 Y: -1
    Element5 X: -1 Y: -1

    Speed_in_Seconds: 1
    Size: 5
    Element0 X: 0 Y: 2
    Element1 X: 0 Y: 1
    Element2 X: 0 Y: 0
    Element3 X: -1 Y: 0
    Element4 X: -2 Y: 1


  • The 2D version of the Game of Life is implemented using TileMap toolset of Unity (version 2017.02+)

    • The TileMaps change color depending on the state of a cell. The Dead cells use White colored Sprites while the Alive Cells use Black colored Sprites.
    • The implementation involves Array of TileBase and corresponding Array of Positions that keep the state of each Tile and Position at every Update Cycle.
    • A Stack for Dead and Alive state changes are used respectively to keep a track of state change at each Update Cycle.
    • A Switch function checks neighbours of all Aive Cells and neighbourhood Dead Cells for any change of state, which is stored in the respective Stacks.
    • At every Update Cycle, the TileBase Array checks the Stacks for changes and updates the Sprites of its TileMap as per the State Change.
  • The 3D version of the Game of Life is implemented using the Alive Cube Prefab.

    • The Alive cube appears at an open space and disappears depending on the state of the cell. The empty space represent the Dead Cell Space while the Black Cube represents the Alive Cell Space.
    • The implementation involves Array of Cells and corresponding Array of Positions that keep the state of each Tile and Position at every Update Cycle.
    • A Stack for Dead and Alive state changes are used respectively to keep a track of state change at each Update Cycle.
    • A Switch function checks neighbours of all Aive Cells and neighbourhood Dead Cells for any change of state, which is stored in the respective Stacks.
    • At every Update Cycle, The prefabs for the previous Cycle are Destroyed and the 3D world is updated with set of Alive cubes at specific locations as defined in the Cell Array.
    • The 3D version of the game also involves Camera Movements using Mouse and Arrow Keys for better viewing angles.

Hope you Enjoy the Experience!


2D and 3D implementation of Conway's Game of Life


Language:C# 100.0%