talyssonoc / structure

A simple schema/attributes library built on top of modern JavaScript

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Creating timestamp plugin

wenderjean opened this issue · comments

My proposal is to create a new plugin to add timestamp behavior to a structure, what I mean?

I am current in a project that adds a document to a NoSQL database, I want to have a created_at and updated_at to that document, what if I could create a new structure and invoke something like mystructure.updateTimestamps() to set created and updated times to me.

I think it's a good idea. We could create a plugin system that is passed as the second parameter os attributes, like:

  name: String
}, {
  plugins: [timestampsPlugin]
})(class User { });

Question: should the plugin add those fields automatically to the model or will they just update the values?

I think It should add fields automatically to model to allow a behavior totally transparent, agree?

@wenderjean seems like a good idea!