talsma-ict / umldoclet

Automatically generate PlantUML diagrams in javadoc

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generating a Diagram Sequence

AdinhLux opened this issue · comments

Good morning :).

First I would like to thank you for having generated and shared your project to generate automatically UML diagrams.

I decided to post this request to ask you :

a) If you will add a function to generate a Diagram Sequence in the future ?
b) If not, I would like to take the step (for learning and gaining some experience):

The purpose is to create a functionality like this project where you're using @annotation in Unit Tests to generate the necessary classes & methods.

Although I would love to be able to generate sequence diagrams automatically with my tool, there is one fundamental problem: The generator is a doclet.

This means it operates on the metadata collected by the Javadoc tool. Unit tests are not executed nor analysed for typical javadoc usage.

By all means, I'm open to suggestions on how to improve the tool, but based on the Javadoc metadata model I don't see how this could work.

Closing this for now, please feel free to reopen and comment if you have an idea how to establish this.