talsec / Free-RASP-ReactNative

React Native plugin for improving app security and threat monitoring on Android and iOS mobile devices.

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Hooks config not detected in initial render for FRIDA

pradsirwt opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
I have implemented the Free-RASP in react native as per the example, But the Frida hook is detected in the fifth re-render of Free-RASP config, so the App is open (Launch screen shown) for some time before the Restricted Page is shown from our side according to the config.

Expected behavior
It should detect in the first render


Please complete the following information:

  • Device: MEMU PLAY Simulator
  • OS version: Android - 7.1.2
  • Version of freeRASP: 2.0.1

Hello @pradsirwt,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We will investigate it further as soon as possible. We will keep you updated on our progress and let you know as soon as we have any updates to share.

Tomas, Talsec developer

Hi Team,

Do we have any progress here ?

Many thanks

Hello @pradsirwt,

Apologies for the delay in addressing this. We've been quite busy recently with releasing major updates for our other modules. We'll get to this shortly.

Thank you for your patience.

Tomas, Talsec developer

Hi Team,

Do we have any progress here ?

Many thanks

Hi @pradsirwt,

We did take a look at our freeRASP SDK and did not spot anything unusual. The reason for delayed detection is that some checks are more computationally expensive than others. In the freeRASP, all checks are running in the background threat. This is one of the limitations of freeRASP that will probably persist in the future.
In our BusinessRASP+ solution, each customer has the option to prioritize checks, making some subgroups critical and blocking. Unfortunately, this feature is not included in our freeRASP, where the library is not customized for every customer.
We can try to optimize each subgroup of checks (so the reaction is triggered a little bit sooner), but this will probably not solve your problem as it will always take some time to perform all the checks.

Best regards,
Talsec team