tallbl0nde / NX-Activity-Log

Homebrew application for the Nintendo Switch which displays play activity with more accuracy

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Update for FW 15.0

tatundria opened this issue · comments

Titles are showing a ? with no image after updating Switch FW to 15.0. Is it possible to update this app to make it compatible with the new FW?

Hello I have the same issue.


  • No games show up.
  • Playtime still shows up but games do not.
  • Same behaviour in SysCFW and EmuMMC.
  • Same behaviour on NX-Activity-Log-NPE.

Software Versions:

  • Nintendo Switch System Version 15.0.0
  • Atmosphere 1.4.0
  • Tested NX-Activity-Log (and NPE version) 1.3.2 and 1.4.0.
  • SysMMC / EmuMMC

I'm having this issue too. I really hope it gets fixed because I would be so lost without this app!

I'm not too deep into homebrew anymore (haven't booted my switch for months), but having a quick glance at libnx shows that the API the app uses was changed in 15.0.0. So it may be a case that I (or someone) needs to use a new API, or wait until libnx adds the relevant API. I'll try to keep an eye on things.

Same issue, but since the developer explained the situation, I guess it's a moot point. I'd just like to say it was a niftly feature to have, so if you ever get around to fixing it, that would be awesome.

This seems to be the only invocation of the removed function that causes this problem:

pdmqryQueryRecentlyPlayedApplication(u[i]->ID(), false, tmpIDs, MAX_TITLES, &playedTotal);

@tallbl0nde I love this homebrew app. I actually depend upon it heavily. I and it seems others would very much appreciate your effort in fixing this issue, for games/time to show correctly in the app, and to be exportable to JSON properly again. If you could find the time for this, please and thank you!

I exported and imported a json on 15.0.0 for a factory reset, without noticing before it was too late. Is it likely I'll be able to correct the data later? If I check manually in NX-Activity-Log the correct data still seems to be there at least.


Here's an example on how to get app playstats on 15.0.0: https://github.com/switchbrew/switch-examples/blob/master/applet/app-playstats/source/main.c


check the content , Yellow8 only removed code ( using the deprecated functions for HOS 15.0.0) .
So , basically , this didn’t solve the issue .
He simply removed the output :


I have the same issue too.. :/ I really miss being able to see my playactivity.. Would have a mini-celebration if it was able to come back.. :)

This is the error I get.


Here's an example on how to get app playstats on 15.0.0: https://github.com/switchbrew/switch-examples/blob/master/applet/app-playstats/source/main.c


check the content , Yellow8 only removed code ( using the deprecated functions for HOS 15.0.0) . So , basically , this didn’t solve the issue . He simply removed the output :


It shows how to get playstats for a title nontheless.

Here's an example on how to get app playstats on 15.0.0: https://github.com/switchbrew/switch-examples/blob/master/applet/app-playstats/source/main.c

check the content , Yellow8 only removed code ( using the deprecated functions for HOS 15.0.0) . So , basically , this didn’t solve the issue . He simply removed the output :

It shows how to get playstats for a title nontheless.

I believe you're correct on this one, there won't be an alternative in libnx but rather the other APIs will have to be used on 15.0.0 and above.

There were similar breakages in temperature and wlan on 14.0.0 and 15.0.0 where the same happened and homebrew had to work around those.

See my PR, just fixed the issue:


Works perfectly. Thanx a lot.

Built with @zdm65477730's changes

Works perfectly. Thanx a lot.

Built with @zdm65477730's changes switch.zip

Thank you for the compiled file, it works perfectly.

Seeing as @zdm65477730 has fixed the problem, I'll close this issue. A release will be up shortly with their changes :)

Can someone check if this version works alright? It has @zdm65477730's fix and a couple behind the scenes changes. I'd test it myself however my Switch isn't exactly ready for that at the moment.

If it works fine I'll bump the version and make the release.

Can someone check if this version works alright? It has @zdm65477730's fix and a couple behind the scenes changes. I'd test it myself however my Switch isn't exactly ready for that at the moment.

If it works fine I'll bump the version and make the release. switch.zip

This version and the previous one from @zdm65477730 both give me error after selecting my user. Even if I delete the config files, I get that error.

What's the error?

Can someone check if this version works alright? It has @zdm65477730's fix and a couple behind the scenes changes. I'd test it myself however my Switch isn't exactly ready for that at the moment.

If it works fine I'll bump the version and make the release. switch.zip

It works on my end.

What's the error?

The error is "The software was closes because an error ocurred" after selecting my user. On the other side, Version 1.4.0 works but shows no game activity now

The APP built by me (the latest baseline on @tallblOnde) has been published to a game forum, and no feedback on failure has been received so far.
@tatundria, how many user account you created? How many games you installed? Did you install any other sysmodules?

The new version works great for me and even better my data that I exported and imported on 15.0.0 looks fine again!

Thanks to @zdm65477730 and @tallbl0nde !

ilt by me (the latest baseline on @tallblonde) has been published to a game forum, and no feedback on failure has been received so far.
@tatundria, how many user account you created? How many games you installed? Did you install any other sysmodu

It works now. I deleted the previous import.json and no problem so far! Thank you!

Can someone check if this version works alright? It has @zdm65477730's fix and a couple behind the scenes changes. I'd test it myself however my Switch isn't exactly ready for that at the moment.

If it works fine I'll bump the version and make the release. switch.zip


i also encountered crashes with this version .
I will provide more elements when I will be back home .
Usually the crash ( the Atmosphere one leading to full reboot ) append when trying to access the global statistics part .
The accounts have hundreds of hours of playing time and thousands of sessions

Do you plan to update the playeventparser ?
This can help since it generate logs ( not the case with nx activity log ).
It’s quite strange , I don’t understand why but something is not ok, the entries of the games i bought after the 15.0.0 release are not reported ( the play time is visible in the chart but nothing about the game in the detail ).
The standard NX Profil page report them .

Do you plan to update the playeventparser ? https://github.com/tallbl0nde/PlayEventParser/releases This can help since it generate logs ( not the case with nx activity log ). It’s quite strange , I don’t understand why but something is not ok, the entries of the games i bought after the 15.0.0 release are not reported ( the play time is visible in the chart but nothing about the game in the detail ). The standard NX Profil page report them .

I have the same issue. Some games are reported in the total playtime, however the data seems to be there as when I sort by most playtime on the standard nintendo 'All software', it seems to be correctly sorted when shown by 'sort by total game time'.

I also played with the refactored version of zelda3 (ALTTP) available on GitHub ( nro over applet and full memory mode ) with MSU deluxe audio. ( still have a genuine cardridge of the game !!! But the MSU part motivated me to play it again ).
Maybe this can generate issues regarding the playing time ?


this is the content of the atmosphere log related to the crash.

The console crash with the following actions :

  • access to all activity ;
  • access to the title filtering function in the setting part

The issue seems to be related to some kind of database corruption .
I removed the cardridge from the console , deleted the update and all the data ( after backuping the save ) , rebooted the console and restaured all the elements .
Activity logs are now ok .


this is a case for which the charts provide information related to the played time but nothing at the bottom and the total playtime at the top is at « 0 seconds »

Hi, the version made by @zdm65477730 doesn't work well for me.

In All Activity, I can see 6 game titles out of the 100+ I have played on my Switch. The 6 games showing are consistent in the recent Activity section meaning that for some days I see no titles at all and for some other days, if I happened to play games from the 6 showing in All Activity, I will see those under my time stats.

For the games that do show, the time stats given look OK.

I also noticed that the total playtime in Recent Activity only accounts for the time played with those 6 games EVEN THOUGH that the graph is accurate.

I've tested @tallbl0nde build and in my case is not working (AMS v1.4.0 and OFW

  • No crash when selecting user but,
  • Recent activity is missing games and
  • All activity crashes atmosphere without stack trace information (all addresses are null)

I'm open to test new builds as necessary

Hi ,
Updated previous posts .

the crash still occur with HOS 15.0.1 ( released today by Nintendo )


Wanted to say that for me the build by @zdm65477730 that @tallbl0nde posted above works flawlessly and my initial impression is that it appears to be accurate for all my playtime. Thank you so much @zdm65477730

Wanted to say that for me the build by @zdm65477730 that @tallbl0nde posted above works flawlessly and my initial impression is that it appears to be accurate for all my playtime. Thank you so much @zdm65477730

Can you check the « all activity » menu and share a screenshot with us ?
For us , this is working only for accounts with only a few hours of playing .
Can you also check if the « title filtering » option in the settings is working ?

thank you

Wanted to say that for me the build by @zdm65477730 that @tallbl0nde posted above works flawlessly and my initial impression is that it appears to be accurate for all my playtime. Thank you so much @zdm65477730

Can you check the « all activity » menu and share a screenshot with us ? For us , this is working only for accounts with only a few hours of playing . Can you also check if the « title filtering » option in the settings is working ?

thank you

So, that's my all activity. Running 15.0.1 at the moment.


Wanted to say that for me the build by @zdm65477730 that @tallbl0nde posted above works flawlessly and my initial impression is that it appears to be accurate for all my playtime. Thank you so much @zdm65477730

Can you check the « all activity » menu and share a screenshot with us ? For us , this is working only for accounts with only a few hours of playing . Can you also check if the « title filtering » option in the settings is working ?

thank you

And that's it sorted by title. I'm not running I to any issues, but maybe I don't have enough playtime.


Wanted to say that for me the build by @zdm65477730 that @tallbl0nde posted above works flawlessly and my initial impression is that it appears to be accurate for all my playtime. Thank you so much @zdm65477730

Can you check the « all activity » menu and share a screenshot with us ? For us , this is working only for accounts with only a few hours of playing . Can you also check if the « title filtering » option in the settings is working ?

thank you

You can check your sysmodules/tesla overlay plugins enabled in your Switch since the Applet SW has a memory limitation.
For example, the NX-Shell v4.0.0 can't run directly under Applet mode, it can be run under Application mode(press R and open a game you installed, then run the App).

The commit in my PR is just use a new libnx API to replace the old one.
Please disable sysmodules in contents folder and disable the tesla overlay plugins and try again.
BTW, you can also run it under application mode.

When I select Settings -> Hide Titles, the app crashes after a few seconds. I use the version made by @zdm65477730

When I select Settings -> Hide Titles, the app crashes after a few seconds. I use the version made by @zdm65477730

I am able to hide titles just fine.

Wanted to say that for me the build by @zdm65477730 that @tallbl0nde posted above works flawlessly and my initial impression is that it appears to be accurate for all my playtime. Thank you so much @zdm65477730

Can you check the « all activity » menu and share a screenshot with us ? For us , this is working only for accounts with only a few hours of playing . Can you also check if the « title filtering » option in the settings is working ?
thank you

You can check your sysmodules/tesla overlay plugins enabled in your Switch since the Applet SW has a memory limitation. For example, the NX-Shell v4.0.0 can't run directly under Applet mode, it can be run under Application mode(press R and open a game you installed, then run the App).

The commit in my PR is just use a new libnx API to replace the old one. Please disable sysmodules in contents folder and disable the tesla overlay plugins and try again. BTW, you can also run it under application mode.

I encountered the issues in both Applet Mode ( through the Photo viewer ) and Full Memory mode ( by holding the trigger and start a game).
So, the memory shortage issue is quiet strange for the second case .

the issue seems to be caused by something else but I don’t know what .
The issue was not there with HOS 14.1.2 and the previous api usage .

To complete , apps triggering memory shortage ( in applet mode or full mode ) don’t usually generate atmosphere / hos crash.
The issue is quiet strange

When I select Settings -> Hide Titles, the app crashes after a few seconds. I use the version made by @zdm65477730
And it only shows some of the games I play, not all of them

When I select Settings -> Hide Titles, the app crashes after a few seconds. I use the version made by @zdm65477730
And it only shows some of the games I play, not all of them

This is normal, the code rely on the playstats database (through PDG:qry) , so no play means no stats and no filtering

I beging to thing that the issue is related to possible garbage entries that are part of the database .
The previous way of collecting the title ids possibly didn’t have to deal with them ( automatically cleaned by the api ) and now something need to be done in order to check the content before populating the Title Ids list.

What to you think about this ?

I beging to thing that the issue is related to possible garbage entries that are part of the database . The previous way of collecting the title ids possibly didn’t have to deal with them ( automatically cleaned by the api ) and now something need to be done in order to check the content before populating the Title Ids list.

What to you think about this ?

Why do you say it relate to garbage entries in database? And I don't think the garbage entries will be automatically cleaned by the API.
From the test result of many users in a game forum, they have no such issue, although it real exists.\

We need to find out the root cause of the issue, or make sure it is relate to the garbage entries in db.

OK, seems you could use @tallbl0nde 's tool to check all the play Event.

Do you plan to update the playeventparser ?
This can help since it generate logs ( not the case with nx activity log ).
It’s quite strange , I don’t understand why but something is not ok, the entries of the games i bought after the 15.0.0 release are not reported ( the play time is visible in the chart but nothing about the game in the detail ).
The standard NX Profil page report them .

This is why I asked if the other tool is working .

the PlayEventParser’s release note mention the ability to:

  • Now dumps any 'unknown' events

Do you plan to update the playeventparser ?
This can help since it generate logs ( not the case with nx activity log ).
It’s quite strange , I don’t understand why but something is not ok, the entries of the games i bought after the 15.0.0 release are not reported ( the play time is visible in the chart but nothing about the game in the detail ).
The standard NX Profil page report them .

This is why I asked if the other tool is working .

the PlayEventParser’s release note mention the ability to:

  • Now dumps any 'unknown' events

I just update it for suppoting latest libnx.

Do you plan to update the playeventparser ?
This can help since it generate logs ( not the case with nx activity log ).
It’s quite strange , I don’t understand why but something is not ok, the entries of the games i bought after the 15.0.0 release are not reported ( the play time is visible in the chart but nothing about the game in the detail ).
The standard NX Profil page report them .

This is why I asked if the other tool is working .
the PlayEventParser’s release note mention the ability to:

  • Now dumps any 'unknown' events

https://github.com/zdm65477730/PlayEventParser I just update it for suppoting latest libnx.

Thank you !
I just check the changes you’ve made .
So basically something about the way the dump is started ( any keys vs + in the previous version ).
I was not able to find a binary build version, if you can help us and share with us a version ?
Have you tested it already on your side ?

I will test the binary build at home this afternoon ! ( if available ).
I’m at work now and … without the NX .

Do you plan to update the playeventparser ?
This can help since it generate logs ( not the case with nx activity log ).
It’s quite strange , I don’t understand why but something is not ok, the entries of the games i bought after the 15.0.0 release are not reported ( the play time is visible in the chart but nothing about the game in the detail ).
The standard NX Profil page report them .

This is why I asked if the other tool is working .
the PlayEventParser’s release note mention the ability to:

  • Now dumps any 'unknown' events

https://github.com/zdm65477730/PlayEventParser I just update it for suppoting latest libnx.

Thank you ! I just check the changes you’ve made . So basically something about the way the dump is started ( any keys vs + in the previous version ). I was not able to find a binary build version, if you can help us and share with us a version ? Have you tested it already on your side ?

I will test the binary build at home this afternoon ! ( if available ). I’m at work now and … without the NX .

I have tested it on my Switch, it works well:

Do you plan to update the playeventparser ?
This can help since it generate logs ( not the case with nx activity log ).
It’s quite strange , I don’t understand why but something is not ok, the entries of the games i bought after the 15.0.0 release are not reported ( the play time is visible in the chart but nothing about the game in the detail ).
The standard NX Profil page report them .

This is why I asked if the other tool is working .
the PlayEventParser’s release note mention the ability to:

  • Now dumps any 'unknown' events

https://github.com/zdm65477730/PlayEventParser I just update it for suppoting latest libnx.

Thank you ! I just check the changes you’ve made . So basically something about the way the dump is started ( any keys vs + in the previous version ). I was not able to find a binary build version, if you can help us and share with us a version ? Have you tested it already on your side ?
I will test the binary build at home this afternoon ! ( if available ). I’m at work now and … without the NX .

I have tested it on my Switch, it works well: https://github.com/zdm65477730/PlayEventParser/releases/download/v1.0/PlayEventDumper.zip

Thank you !
If someone else (encountering the crash ) can also test ?
The day is still young on my side .

i downloaded the Switchzip and tried it on my switch. Prior to Fw 15, i had 700Hrs, now it shows me total playtime 400hrs

Yeah I'm having issues with the new .nro. The bar graphs are correct but the titles underneath are not. Only games I played originally a long time ago show up (Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Let's Go, Toad Treasure Tracker). I'm not sure when that cutoff is, sometime in 2019.

Can someone check if this version works alright? It has @zdm65477730's fix and a couple behind the scenes changes. I'd test it myself however my Switch isn't exactly ready for that at the moment.

If it works fine I'll bump the version and make the release. switch.zip

This fixed my issue, thanks!

Can someone check if this version works alright? It has @zdm65477730's fix and a couple behind the scenes changes. I'd test it myself however my Switch isn't exactly ready for that at the moment.
If it works fine I'll bump the version and make the release. switch.zip

This fixed my issue, thanks!

I tried this, but unfortunately still have no visible games from approximately the last month. However it shows game time in 'recent game time', but not actual games in 'all activity'.

Can someone check if this version works alright? It has @zdm65477730's fix and a couple behind the scenes changes. I'd test it myself however my Switch isn't exactly ready for that at the moment.
If it works fine I'll bump the version and make the release. switch.zip

This fixed my issue, thanks!

I tried this, but unfortunately still have no visible games from approximately the last month. However it shows game time in 'recent game time', but not actual games in 'all activity'.

Same here

I’m having the same issue. Parts of the app work other parts don’t. I deleted everything before installing the new update posted here too.

I just built with some fix, but it needs more memory, so it CAN'T run under Applet mode.
Please try this one, let me see the issue fixed or not.

Hi, I just built with some fix, but it needs more memory, so it CAN'T run under Applet mode. Please try this one, let me see the issue fixed or not. https://github.com/zdm65477730/NX-Activity-Log/files/10046213/NX-Activity-Log.zip

Works great at first look =)

It mostly works, I am not using applet mode, when I use the app from hbmenu it crashes when clicking "all activity" if going from profile icon on home menu it mostly works, but on all activity, it doesn't show #1 played game just a blank space

New version works well except for odd first "empty" title on "Recent Activity" page that acts like activity for all games at once.

I will also note it’s not super stable. When pressing all activity it likes to crash. I have a hbmenu app installed directly on my home menu so it’s not applet mode. It has issues there a profile icon mode where it likes to crash when pushing “all activity”

The "ghost title" is still there.



Sorry, I can't reproduce the ghost item issue, everything is OK on my switch.
Seems the ghost item is a real item, but it has no name, it's strange.

I have tried the latest one and i can confirm that it is working and showing an accurate total playtime. However i do experience the ghost title as well in the recent activity
I haven't played on my nintendo for the several weeks, so when i changed it to Monthly Activity in the Recent, the ghost title appeared on top of the list

I follow your test steps, but the issue still not be reproduced.

Maybe you could check the play data that collected by playeventparser:

I checked now , the title is read in the Total playtime, however in the Recent, whichever Month i choose, always the first title is showing as a ghost, and if i open it, shows the play sessions, however on the right all the info are 0
Running Fw 15 and Latest Atmos
If i have time later i can try the Playeventparser, however meantime hopefully someone else facing the issue and knows more about the technical stuff would be able to provide you with good info

So with the newest revision, it now always crashes when you go to it from the profile pic icon on the home menu

Also if I’m hbmenu and you open the app and go to all activity it will always crash and say an unexpected error occurred and take you to the home menu

So with the newest revision, it now always crashes when you go to it from the profile pic icon on the home menu

Doesn't crash for me. As a matter of fact, I've experienced none of the issues you guys have. I've tried to reproduce them, but with no luck at all.

I just did a fresh reinstall of atmosphere. What files should I make sure are deleted for nx activity. I wanna make sure it’s not something on my end though I don’t think so since others have the issues too

The user game data stored in Nentindo folder, not in Atmosphere.

Hi, I just built with some fix, but it needs more memory, so it CAN'T run under Applet mode. Please try this one, let me see the issue fixed or not. https://github.com/zdm65477730/NX-Activity-Log/files/10046213/NX-Activity-Log.zip

I just tried this, and it now works!!! :D 👍 :)

Ok i’ll go find that data in Nintendo folder. Do you know the folder name or is there a way to find it

So i should delete the User Game Data as well ? Would that affect the gameplay logs ? or non related as those are logs on the nintendo devices non related to NX files

So i should delete the User Game Data as well ? Would that affect the gameplay logs ? or non related as those are logs on the nintendo devices non related to NX files

I don't think the user game save data relate to game play log. So, you just need to dump all gameplay data in Nintendo folder.


If most of you have no issues with above version, I think the author could pull the changes and make a release for this version.

It works great now! :) :D :D


If most of you have no issues with above version, I think the author could pull the changes and make a release for this version.

Tested, seems unstable.

  • In Applet mode works apparently well, except for the ghost title issue.
  • In FullRam mode, the first run has crashed AMS with error code 2349-0008, and now is just the program crashing every time I try to open "All Activity" page.


If most of you have no issues with above version, I think the author could pull the changes and make a release for this version.

It seems stable on Applet mode and I don't have any "ghost title" issues but the total playtime hour count for a game (the one seen on the All Activity screen and the "Playtime" metric when inside the details screen for a game) still displays playtimes as slightly off, sometimes by several minutes, others by several hours for titles with large playtime. On any title with a playtime over two or so hours, the total playtime count for a game is always less than the hours you'd get if you added together the time registered for every session together over the years for a single game. I do think the latter method is accurate (not 100% sure but it seems like it), I just don't know where it's getting the total playtime count for a game on the All Activity screen and the "Playtime" metric when inside the details screen of a game, because it's always inaccurate and lower than it should be.

@ForMyCats Have you considered a possibility that this is a result of rounding playtime up for individual sessions? So that two 2m 30s play sessions would show up as two 3m sessions in interface, but add up to only 5m total.

@v1993 That is definitely possible and I didn't consider that but it's strange on the previous ""official"" versions of this app before 15.0.0 it always displayed the time consistently no matter where in the app the time was displayed (or at least within 60 seconds of each other). I'm now wondering how the playtime stored directly in the Switch's OS tracked by official means (the one displayed on the user page with a nintendo account linked) would compare with either...

嗨,> 我刚刚进行了一些修复,但它需要更多的内存,所以它无法运行在Applet模式下。>请试试这个,让我看看问题是否解决。> https://github.com/zdm65477730/NX-Activity-Log/files/10046213/NX-Activity-Log.zip

大佬91关闭后请问你现在在哪里发布最新的更新呢,我需要你 @zdm65477730

You can find me via zdm65477730@126.com

I have found out that if i go into Recent ACtivity, where the Ghost title is, the Playtime is DOUBLED than it supposed to be.
If the game shows that it is 1hour, the total playtime on top right corner shows that it is 2 hours.
So i am assuming this ghost title is logging all the playtime again.
So if i go to monthly, the total playtime of all the games should be 25 hours. I open the ghost title and shows 25 hours. And the Total playtime in the corner would be 50 Hours.
Hope this piece of info could be helpful

I have found out that if i go into Recent ACtivity, where the Ghost title is, the Playtime is DOUBLED than it supposed to be.
If the game shows that it is 1hour, the total playtime on top right corner shows that it is 2 hours.
So i am assuming this ghost title is logging all the playtime again.
So if i go to monthly, the total playtime of all the games should be 25 hours. I open the ghost title and shows 25 hours. And > the Total playtime in the corner would be 50 Hours.
Hope this piece of info could be helpful

is there any pic to show what your findings?


First image showing the Total for the past month.
The second image showing only the Ghost Title if i check it , which is showing the sum of the games played throughout the month , 26+3 ...29

So the ghost title is just a log of all the games being played added again, hence doubling the Playtime

0a56cdf7-f012-4c2b-8511-6b0ff669760a 62f8dd2f-d5c3-4df8-b260-87d0191276ca

First image showing the Total for the past month. The second image showing only the Ghost Title if i check it , which is showing the sum of the games played throughout the month , 26+3 ...29

So the ghost title is just a log of all the games being played added again, hence doubling the Playtime

Unfortunately, I can't reproduce your issue on my console, could you check all the player data via playeventparser:

Is there any hide player data?

Is there any link for a tutorial on how to use Playevent dumper ?

Is there any link for a tutorial on how to use Playevent dumper ?

Just put the PlayerEventDumper.nro under your sdmc:/switch/PlayerEventDumper folder, and run it, after then, it will create a log file. You can attach the file here.


Here is the Play log, i hope this helps.
If you need anything else, inform me and i will see what i can do


Here is the Play log, i hope this helps. If you need anything else, inform me and i will see what i can do

I have checked your log file, it seems there is strange data:

Here one login without logout:
ACCOUNT: 316574090436279706938790433338404174444 Login 13 December 2022 07:20 PM 55627537
APPLET: 100317013770000 Out Focus 13 December 2022 07:40 PM 55628755
APPLET: 100317013770000 Launch 13 December 2022 07:56 PM 55629740
APPLET: 100317013770000 In Focus 13 December 2022 07:56 PM 55629742
ACCOUNT: 316574090436279706938790433338404174444 Login 13 December 2022 07:56 PM 55629742

And the login date is later than logout:
ACCOUNT: 316574090436279706938790433338404174444 Login 02 December 2022 12:46 AM 54610304
ACCOUNT: 316574090436279706938790433338404174444 Logout 02 December 2022 01:26 AM 54612754

If the data is correct, the local time may be changed.

So this helped you to find the root of the Ghost title problem ?

I've tried the various versions on this thread with no luck getting anything to show for games played on the daily screens. Is there anyone who can tell me exactly what on my sd card to delete to help me get this working?


Hi all. Can anyone confirm if any of the fixes in this thread for OS v15+ are working successfully for playtime export? Personally I am alright if the interface does not show accurate data, but I depend on exporting the json to my computer for parsing into my game manager Playnite. I've been holding off updating to OS v15 (still on v14) because of this, but I've noticed more and more games are requiring v15, which makes me nervous about staying behind much longer.

If there is a working version for at least the exporting, that would be so great.

I'm using this one under applet mode (not docked) in v15.0.1: https://github.com/zdm65477730/NX-Activity-Log/releases/download/test/NX-Activity-Log.zip, and it can export the data to JSON.

The exported file is located in /sdcard/switch/NX-Activity-Log/export.json (the same folder as NX-Activity-Log.nro). If anything goes wrong, delete the config at /sdcard/config/NX-Activity-Log and try again.


Thank you, I'm aware how the export works and I use it regularly. What I'm asking is that I haven't seen anything in this thread about the accuracy of the export data on v15.

I already upgraded to 15 and then downgraded to 14 again months ago, as this feature is important enough to me that I preserve its full functionality. I would rather not go through the trouble again before I know if there are any inconsistencies or errors in the json data.

How can I validate the exported data then (does Playnite include the json parser itself?), I'm willing to help but I only started using this after upgrading HOS to v15+ so there is no legacy json file I can make a diff.