tallbl0nde / NX-Activity-Log

Homebrew application for the Nintendo Switch which displays play activity with more accuracy

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[enhancement] when using nx-al to replace nintendo's user profile, play the user sound effect fully

evertonstz opened this issue · comments

When using the original user profile app, on opening the system will play an "opening sound" and a "successfully opened" sound. Those sounds can be found here were the first is the "opening sound" (plays on main menu when opening the the profile), and the second sound is the "successfully opened" sound, that plays once profile is fully loaded.

When using nx-al as a replacement for profiles, the "successfully opened" sound isn't played, but the "opening sound" is. I think playing both sound effects, just like the original, would add to the experience of using nx-al as a replacement for profile app, plus nx-al could also provide the user with options to customize such sounds.

I'm not sure how feasible this is, tho,


I know... I've been wanting to add this and other UI sounds too haha! I've found the sound effects online so I could just get it to play that sound on launch, however I don't know how legal that would be (I think someone has just recorded it through a capture card or something so its not a dump). I'll have to look into it more because I definitely miss the quirky sounds! :)

I know... I've been wanting to add this and other UI sounds too haha! I've found the sound effects online so I could just get it to play that sound on launch, however I don't know how legal that would be (I think someone has just recorded it through a capture card or something so its not a dump). I'll have to look into it more because I definitely miss the quirky sounds! :)

Using online .mp3 is probably not legal :/
I think the way to go is trying to find this sound in the system and play it straight from the files that are already in the switch or just design a custom soundbite just for nx-al.

I don't think there is a way to read the sound file(s) similar to how the font is read, so it looks like I'd have to find some or come up with my own... but I'll add sfx eventually! :)


It would also arguably be fair use given how it'd be used here. Or maybe it's public domain because it's so short.

@iomintz while this could be true in some countries, what is fair use varies a lot between countries, Japan for example is very strict, as is my country, Brazil.
I wouldn't test Nintendo lawyers unless I had the money to prove them wrong in court.

I've been thinking about including my own sfx within the .nro, and then making it that they can be replaced by user provided sounds... that way if they don't like the default ones or want to use the Nintendo sounds that is up to them and not me (i.e. I won't be distributing them)

Not sfx-related, but to make this as close to official Nintendo UI as possible, I think the app should navigate between menus on the left just by pressing up/down, without having to explicitly press A to switch pages.

(Unless you'd prefer a separate issue be opened for this)

A new issue would be great, just because it's easier to see what still needing doing/fixing :P

On another note, I recently found a library that seems to allow you to extract audio from qlaunch (the HOME menu), so in theory I should be able to play Nintendo's sounds without infringing copyright and all of that stuff :)

Siiiiiick, that would be perfect.

Just want to make sure, but would this include the ticking sounds (when you move cursor around) and the menu button press sounds as well?