talamaska / onboarding_overlay

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Feature Request] Parameter for setting the side where the text is shown

CaptainDario opened this issue · comments

First of all thank you for this great package! I am using it already for some time and it works great.

Recently, I shipped my flutter app for desktop platforms and there some users complained about the tutorial texts being too small. Therefore, it would be great to be able to set the side of the focus where the text should appear.
For example, in the image below there is plenty of space on the left and right of the box. It would be great if the text could be placed there.


Would you like to post a sample code on where I could replicate this issue/ feature.
In addition There are params where you can set the size of the texts - title and body. That is if you don't use the autosize-ing feature. Also on that image, where the text should appear. I'm whiling to research how to do this if I have clear expectations. Keep in mind that the user can change the size of the screen, so I would assume this should be adaptable somehow. Like we can set a preferred position and alternative position if there is no space.

Thank you for your quick reply. It took me a few days to have the time to setup an example that shows the problematic behaviour.


Setting the size of the text does not help because if I set autosize=true the text becomes too small.


Therefore, a solution that can put the text to the left/right of the showcased widget when there is not enough space on the top/bottom would be great.
See the attached zip for the code for the example.

Thanks for the provided example will try to look at it soon. Sorry for the late response, busy with other projects.