takuya-takeuchi / FaceRecognitionDotNet

The world's simplest facial recognition api for .NET on Windows, MacOS and Linux

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CudaException 98 "Invalid device function"

coder39248583 opened this issue · comments

Windows 7 x64
Cuda 10.1
Visual Studio 2019
Cpu supports AVX
Single threaded application
Effected Versions:
--FaceRecognitionDotNet >=v1.2.3.13
--DlibDotNet >=v19.20.0.20200725


var faces = faceRecognition.FaceLocations(image, 0, Model.Cnn).ToArray();
// cudaexception 98 "invalid device function"

The problem was introduced with DlibDotNet v19.20.0.20200725. In previous versions it works:

// DlibDotNet >=v19.20.0.20200725
var faces = faceRecognition.FaceLocations(image, 0, Model.Cnn).ToArray();
// cudaexception 98 "invalid device function"

// DlibDotNet <=v19.18.0.20200525
var faces = faceRecognition.FaceLocations(image, 0, Model.Cnn).ToArray();
// success

Exception details:

DlibDotNet.CudaException: Exception of type 'DlibDotNet.CudaException was thrown'

DllName: DlibDotNetNativeDnn
DriverVersion: 11030
RuntimeVersion: 10010
ErrorCode: 98
ErrorMessage: invalid device function
ErrorName: cudaErrorInvalidDeviceFunction
Source: DlibDotNet

    at DlibDotNet.Dnn.Cuda.ThrowCudaException(ErrorType error)
    at DlibDotNet.Dnn.LossMmod.Operator[T](IEnumerable`1 images, UInt64 batchSize)
    at FaceRecognitionDotNet.Dlib.Python.CnnFaceDetectionModelV1.Detect(LossMmod net, Image image, Int32 upsampleNumTimes)
    at FaceRecognitionDotNet.FaceRecognition.<FaceLocations>d__18.MoveNext()

Dependency walker finds no missing dependencies in DlibDotNetNativeDnn.dll

Please note the following things

  • GPU models
  • cuDNN version


Nvidia GT 710 (Kepler 2.0) (3.5 compute capability)
Cudnn 7.6.3
Cuda 10.1 runtime
Cuda 11.3 driver

dlib 19.20 drops sm30 and requires sm50.

And DlibDotNet introduce this update on 2020/07/25.
So v19.20.0.20200725 could not support sm3.5 due to dlib.

That makes sense. I guess I will use cpu then.
Thank you for answering!