takien / Easy-Table

Easy Table, WordPress plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


djmtype opened this issue · comments

It seems this great plugin is no longer being developed, and no longer living at wordpress.org. Is it still safe to use?


...probably not.

@djmtype same here, exactly my use case. are you using it or did you find another one?

@joernroeder Another developer forked this plugin, but it's also pretty outdated. https://github.com/wp-plugins/easy-table

Even though this plugin is still the best of them, I can't risk using it for my client's sake.

If TablePress is the best option on the market… table creation is doomed. No client will find TablePress easy to use. They'd rather use TinyMCE which is just as poor for table creation. But, at least it allows table production directly inside the content editor.

There's a plugin for ACF. Again, it's not as simple as Easy Table and missing simple table features like colspan.

Clients also like to simulate text tabs. A way to do that is via tables. So, I can't see them using an abstraction like TablePress.

What's easier than…


There simply isn't any.

It was removed due to security vulnerability that remained unfixed: https://wpvulndb.com/vulnerabilities/8737

The plugin author's website (takien.com) is also no longer active.

You could fork it, fix it and resubmit it back to WordPress if you're interested in maintaining it.