taitems / Aristo-jQuery-UI-Theme

The "Aristo" theme for Cappuccino ported to a jQuery UI Theme

Home Page:http://taitems.github.com/Aristo-jQuery-UI-Theme/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Buttons don't change appearance on keyboard selection

opened this issue · comments

When buttons are coded as <button>Title</button> or <input type="submit" value="Title"> (but NOT as <div ...), they can be selected with the Tab key -- as you can demo in this page:
...by pressing Tab one time (for the first button) and then another time (for the second button).

However, Aristo-jQuery-UI-Theme doesn't change the button's appearance on keyboard selection! The default jQuery UI themes do. This is a problem -- we don't have any visual cue that the button is selected.

this has been confirmed (it still is not fixed)

Hey, sorry about this one. I think this was originally over-written (on suggestion from someone at HN) for the tabs widget which had a visible "marching ants" border. Should be a straight-forward fix related to the .ui-state-active class.

A commit to fix this will go up (in a major commit) in the next few days.

The fix is now live.