tacesrever / frida-tsplugin

typescript autocomplete plugin for frida's java warpper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


AutoComplete plugin for frida's java warpper.



$ git clone https://github.com/tacesrever/frida-tsplugin.git
$ cd frida-tsplugin
$ npm install


with frida ^14.0.0:

$ frida -U -l agent/tsplugin.js target  
$ adb forward tcp:28042 tcp:28042  

or you can edit the port in agent/tsplugin.ts and compile it by frida-compile.

add plugin in frida-agent-example/tsconfig.json after setup frida-agent-example:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "plugins": [{
            "name": path to tsplugin,
            "host"?: ip of target device, default is ""(use adb forward tcp:port tcp:port)
            "port"?: listen port in tsplugin.ts, default is 28042
            "logfile"?: path to logfile


if nothing happen after load, you can:

  • Ensure plugin is loaded

set logfile path mentioned above, if the logfile didn't created, the plugin may fail to load.
press F1, type 'Ty' then click Typescript: Open TS Server log, find 'frida-tsplugin' to see if plguin load sucessed.

  • Ensure frida-tsplugin's typescript version same as vscode's.

check typescript version in vscode's install dir Microsoft VS Code( Insiders)/resources/app/extensions/node_modules/typescript/package.json and in frida-tsplugin/package.json's dependencies, if not same, you should run npm i typescript@version from vscode then tsc -p . under frida-tsplugin.

  • Ensure agent service is on

open to see if any content. The target app may need be in the foreground with phone's screen on for service to response.


typescript autocomplete plugin for frida's java warpper

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 86.4%Language:TypeScript 13.6%