tabler / tabler-react

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Version 2 (typescript, hooks, functional components) input wanted

jonthomp opened this issue · comments

Update: Work in progress on the version-2 branch, alpha is available on NPM.

npm install tabler-react@alpha
yarn add tabler-react@alpha

I've been thinking about a journey towards version 2 and some big internal changes that I think should happen along the way....

Given that Typescript is fast becoming, if it isn't already, the most widely used type system in React open source projects it may be a good time to also make the switch.


  • Typescript
  • Components should will become React Hooks powered function components where possible.
  • Everything should will work in React Strict Mode.
  • Use Storybook and add visual tests using Chromatic.
  • All packages/libs to be updated
  • Fix outstanding issues
  • Introduce missing features from the core repo
  • Improve how CSS is imported and built from the main repo (and update to latest version)
  • Make sure className and style props are available everywhere
  • Always spread remaining props to underlying components and make sure any internal components can have their props set
  • Base components providing style utility props
  • Refs forwarded to the underlying HTML elements

Keen to hear any thoughts or additions?

cc @AaronCoplan @Greg-Hamel


I have to be honest here, using Typescript would improve this framework by a significant amount. I just spent 2 hours on a really dumb bug where I had Router instead of Route and I sware I looked at it like 500 times and still didn't notice my stupidity. But even beyond that, I have to keep the documentation up constantly, where as if I had strong typing I would be able to utilize the intellisense. Just my 2 cents, I'm all for Typescript!

@elucidsoft there is now a fully converted to typescript branch here if you want to check it out

@jonthomp thanks and nice work, please how should it be used in a create-react-app typescript project

I cannot seem to find the module after installing the branch


This doesn't appear to run when I use yarn start it gives a ton of warnings about circular dependencies and then just sits there...Not sure what it's doing tbh...

@elucidsoft @rollymaduk the typescript branch has been updated to fix some things, including the circular dependencies, however, you might be more interested in the version-2 branch as that includes further fixes and will be where work continues


Alright, will take a look.

A quick note to say that the version 2 branch CSS is now up-to-date with the latest version of tabler

I've just published the first alpha 🎉

npm install tabler-react@alpha
yarn add tabler-react@alpha

Would love for people to give it a go on any existing tabler-react code basis and get some bug reports in!

@jonthomp Glad to see you back at work on the new version, is there anything you need help with?

Lots of good changes made so far (and fixes to earlier issues too!), keep up the good work.

Are there issues we can refer to for the progrss and remaining tasks to help with?

@Greg-Hamel @IniZio sorry for the delayed reply, I've been interviewing (accepted an offer yesterday!).

Now as for helping out, there are 2 main tasks that need looking at before release:

  • go through all the components and make sure the documentation exists and is fully up to date
  • find people with version 1 that would be willing to try out v2 and report back with issues

I'm currently adding in snapshots, trying out storybook's new documentation features and fixing the build/publish process.

@jonthomp is this still in development? Last commit is 6 months old and far behind the tabler HTML repository. How can we get this project back up and in sync?

Sorry for the 7-months of silence!
I mentioned above about accepting a job offer, I'm still there and it's been an awesome ride so far.
I've kept up on the progress of the tabler HTML repository and now v1 it's an alpha I'm going to try and explore starting work on version 2 of the react version.

@jonthomp is there a public roadmap of tickets we can contribute to? I'd like to help out for Version 2 if possible.

A brief update...waiting for tabler core to hit a couple more alpha versions before diving into this again heavily

Is this still in progress?

I was wondering in #540 if this is still going forward. We came across is today and honestly speaking there is nothing else similar to it everywhere we looked.

@jonthomp Tabler alpha 0.8 was released last week:

I want to contribute to the TS version of this repo as well, but am struggling without tickets/roadmap.

Do you have time to pick this back up?

how to contribute ?
this project still progress version 2 ?

Is this still going further, would really be amazing if so 👍

It's alive and coming soon!

@jonthomp This repo is great. Thanks for all the good work. Do you have any clue on when will the next version coming on this? I would be glad to contribute if there is a road map.

Thanks @vinodvarma24, I went hard on a big refactor a while back but work had to take priority of course :(.
Now I am a free agent again and working on some side projects, I'll get my WIP tidied up and pushed up soon. Then I'll draw up a little plan of attack for getting involved.

Bump! Would be interested to get the status. Thanks