tabalinas / jsgrid-webapi

Sample project for jsgrid with WebAPI remote source

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I am unable to run the jsgrid-webapi project after downloading from github

Itsathere opened this issue · comments

Can you provide me fresh file link to check each and every functionality of page loading strategy.

What do you mean by fresh links?
The content of this repo is a working solution.
What kind of issue are you facing with?

I have downloaded that file but it's not working getting lots of reference error.There is no solution inside the project.that's why i have open it as a website and getting error in global.asax

Error 1 Could not load type 'JSGridWebAPISample.WebApiApplication'. C:\Users\ksoft007\Downloads\jsgrid-webapi-master (1)\jsgrid-webapi-master\Global.asax 1

Why do you call it file? Have downloaded entire repo?
Install all required nugets and be sure all refences are available (expand References section in Solution Explorer).

Yes, I have downloaded but there is no solution inside project.

It should not matter, just open project file.

I have open the project file and tried to build the project but getting error in Global.asax.Yes, I have downloaded but there is no solution inside project.What's type of package i need to install from nugets can you give the package list of link where all the required package is there.

As I mentioned, you need to open Reference section and see missing dependences.

As i said there is no solution file and also there is no reference section inside project but after right click on project and then clicked on

Add>References .

and I have added related references and on button ok click after selecting all references alert message showing

The website is already referencing the assembly Assembly name
Do wanna see that project form team viewer or on skype.

Here are the steps to follow to make it work:

  1. Download zip with the repo from github
  2. Open .csproj file
  3. Click Save All in VS to save the solution file (save it in the parent directory of the project directory)
  4. Click Build Solution and VS automatically request all necessary nugets
  5. Run the application

After following your steps still i am facing error and trying to resolve it.
Still package need to install from nuget is

Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization

Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Tracing -Version 5.0.0

Install-Package EntityFramework

change DB.Entry(client).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified;
DB.Entry(client).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;

Are you sure packages directory located not inside project directory but in the upper directory?

Yes. Btw my requirement is page loading with huge amount of data. If i return 100000 data in one api response then jsgrid will unable to handle it. In the previous issue you told me to about pageLoading: true,loadData: function(filter) { var startIndex = (filter.pageIndex - 1) * filter.pageSize; return { data: db.clients.slice(startIndex, startIndex + filter.pageSize), itemsCount: db.clients.length }; }

tell me how to handle these two parameter inside controller and my problem will resolve.

Well, the same sequence works for me (I've tested it from scratch). Try to find what you are doing differently.

Which version of VS do you have? I've tested it with VS 2013. Are ypu sure nugets were fetched?

VS 2013.Yes.