tBlabs / BluePill.Firmware

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • remove RTC (or updates in config)
  • supress leading zeros in Display (or add to config)


Firmware for BluePill development board.

7x Input
7x Output (including build in LED)
4x ADC
4x PWM
1x RTC
1x 4-digit 7-seg Display


  • BluePill.Driver - Standalone host with REST API
  • BluePill.Client.Lib - Library for Node projects

Board pinout

                             G     3
                             N     V
                             D     3
                             | | | |
                    N/C --o  o o o o  o-- 3V3
 Output1 (build in led) --o           o-- GND
                    N/C --o           o-- 5V
                    N/C --o           o-- Input3 
                   ADC1 --o           o-- Input4
                   ADC2 --o           o-- Display Latch 
                   ADC3 --o           o-- Display Clock
                   ADC4 --o           o-- Display Data
                 Input7 --o           o-- N/C
                Output2 --o           o-- N/C  
                   PWM1 --o           o-- N/C
                   PWM2 --o           o-- Output3
                   PWM3 --o           o-- Output4  
                   PWM4 --o           o-- Rx   
                 Input1 --o           o-- Tx   
                 Input2 --o           o-- Output5  
                  RESET --o           o-- Output6
                    3V3 --o           o-- Output7  
                    GND --o           o-- Input5  
                    GND --o    USB    o-- Input6 

Peripheral connection

       GND ----- button ----- Input         <--- button pressed == value 1
       GND ----- potentiometer ----- VCC 
       GND ----- unused ADC                 <--- connect unused ADC to GND
       uC Tx ----- Host Rx                  <--- by Host we mean PC or R-Pi
       uC Rx ----- Host Tx
       Output ----- led ----- GND           <--- value 0 == led on
       PWM ----- led ----- GND              <--- value 0 == led off

Serial config

Tx pin: A9
Rx pin: A10


0xBB 0xAA {FrameType:8} {DataSize:8} {Data:0+} {Xor:8}

Type Value Data size Params Possible response
Ping 0x01 0 bytes none Pong
Get 0x02 1 addr:8 Update / Error
Get all sensors 0x03 0 none UpdateAllSensors / Error
Set 0x04 5 addr:8, value:32 Update / Error
Config read 0x05 0 none ConfigUpdate
Config write 0x06 2 pushMode:8, scanInterval:8 ConfigUpdate
Get all 0x07 0 none UpdateAll


0xAB {FrameType:8} {Data:0+} {Xor:8}

Type Value Data size Data values
Pong 0x01 0 bytes none
Error 0x02 1 errorCode:8
Update (single IO) 0x03 5 addr:8, value:32
All sensors update 0x04 12*4 input1:32, input2:32, ..., rtc:32
Config update 0x05 2 pushMode:8, pushInterval:8
All IO update 0x06 25*4 input1:32, ..., displayDot:32


Byte index Usage Default value
0 Push mode (0x00 - None, 0x01 - All, 0x02 - Single) Single
1 Push interval 20 ms

Default push mode is Single with 20ms interval. That means that the only auto updated value you should see after power up is RTC (every 1 second).

IO addresses (addr param to pin mapping)

Addr Type Pin
0x00 Digital input B10
0x01 Digital input B11
0x02 Digital input B9
0x03 Digital input B8
0x04 Digital input B13
0x05 Digital input B12
0x06 Digital input A4
0x07 ADC A0
0x08 ADC A1
0x09 ADC A2
0x0A ADC A3
0x0B Real time clock None
0x0C Digital output C13 (build in led)
0x0D Digital output A5
0x0E Digital output A12
0x0F Digital output A11
0x10 Digital output A8
0x11 Digital output B15
0x12 Digital output B14
0x13 PWM A6
0x14 PWM A7
0x15 PWM B0
0x16 PWM B1
0x17 Display value B5 (data), B6 (clock), B7 (latch)
0x18 Display dot N/D

Programming with J-Link

J-link SWD pinout

Vref --o   o-- NC
N/D  --o   o-- GND
N/D  --o   o-- GND
DIO  --o   o-- GND
CLK  --o|  o-- GND
N/D  --o|  o-- GND
SWO  --o   o-- GND
RST  --o   o-- GND
N/D  --o   o-- GND
5V   --o   o-- GND

N/D - not used
SWO - not used

STM32F103C8 SWD pins

           G C D 3
           N L I V
           D K O 3
           | | | |
Vbat --o   | | | |  o-- 3,3V
C13  --o   o o o o  o-- GND
C14  --o            o-- 5V
       |    Blue    |
      ...   Pill   ...
       | (top view) |
RST  --o            o-- B15
       |            |


J-link Blue Pill
Vref 3V3

Blue Pill powering

STM must be powered from external 5V source.
J-Link 5V out is not working.

Chip burn

Use Visual Studio + VisualGDB


No idea

Testing from serial terminal (Br@y++)


Set terminal Receiver into HEX mode.
Send $BB$AA$01$00$10. You should receive AB 01 AA response.

Build in led (pin C13) on/off

Send $bb$aa$04$05$0c$00$00$00$00$1c to turn LED on. $bb$aa$04$05$0c$01$00$00$00$1d to off.



Language:C 94.8%Language:C++ 5.2%