tBlabs / BluePill.Daemon

Driver and HTTP host for BluePill development board

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  • add operation timeouts (config set etc)
  • remove fluent parser| import it's package instead


(Serial/USB) Driver and HTTP host (REST+Socket) for "BluePill" development board.
Cooperates with this firmware).


  • cd {dir}
  • npm i
  • sudo chmod +x run.sh

Start (production mode)

  • cd {dir}
  • modify run.sh (set port, serial and log)
  • ./run.sh
Param Usage
port HTTP port for REST calls and socket connections
serial USB or UART "BluePill" is connected to
log Let it talk


npm run serve
You can change startup params in autorun script (in package.json > scripts section). Remember to always restart serve tool after any changes in package.json.



Client API

There are two options to "talk" to BluePill. Via HTTP (REST API) or TCP (Socket).


Action Method Url Example request Example response Side effects
Get IO value GET /addr /4 123 none
Set IO value GET /addr/value /4/123 HTTP 200 OK Sends update to every socket client


Client --> Host

Action Event Args Example Side effects
Get IO value get addr (address of IO) socket.emit('get', 4) none
Set IO value set addr/value (new value) socket.emit('set', 4, 123) update to every client

Host --> Client

Event Args
update addr, value
driver-error addr, value

IO Addresses

IO Name Addr
Input1 0
Input2 1
Input3 2
Input4 3
Input5 4
Input6 5
Input7 6
Adc1 7
Adc2 8
Adc3 9
Adc4 10
RTC 11
Output1 12
Output2 13
Output3 14
Output4 15
Output5 16
Output6 17
Output7 18
Pwm1 19
Pwm2 20
Pwm3 21
Pwm4 22
Display1 23
Display1Dot 24



Press Ctrl+C to kill server and driver.

Testing on PC

  • Connect "BluePill" board to USB (via FTDI converter or something)
  • Run run.sh script (check it's args first)
  • Open browser and hit http://localhost:3000/12/0 to turn build in led on. Hit http://localhost:3000/12/1 to turn it off.
    At http://localhost:3000/11 RTC value can be found. Refresh page few times to see if it's growing.


Driver and HTTP host for BluePill development board


Language:TypeScript 94.1%Language:Python 4.6%Language:JavaScript 0.8%Language:Shell 0.5%