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Slow Typescript VSCode Intellisense

andrewdoro opened this issue · comments

Provide environment information

    OS: macOS 14.0
    CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M1 Max
    Memory: 1.03 GB / 32.00 GB
    Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
    Node: 20.11.1 - ~/Library/pnpm/node
    Yarn: 1.22.19 - /opt/homebrew/bin/yarn
    npm: 10.2.4 - ~/Library/pnpm/npm
    pnpm: 8.14.1 - ~/Library/pnpm/pnpm
    bun: 1.0.31 - ~/.bun/bin/bun

Describe the bug

I need some help with handling this TS issue. Some things that I am not sure about:

  • Zod too slow for TS, I have a lot of validations also comming from drizzle-zod but also using .omit or .extend
  • Other dependecies like Stripe and Firebase might cause the slowdon
  • Should I split the trpc routers in smaller packages ?


Typescript Intellisense is very slow in my project. The project was boostrapped from this template. It currently has 17 trpc routers with logic from drizzle, zod, stripe and firebase. I don't think the current size should justify the slow ts.


I know this template uses incremental option in the tsconfig.json which should make sure that packages type inference are cached .cache, but it looks like when I use a trpc router it's always type-checking.

"incremental": true,


I've also generated a trace from tsc. Seeing some stuff from @acme/db and @acme/auth but I am not sure if I am looking at the right things.

Output from npx tsc --extendedDiagnostics for the nextjs app

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 12 29 01

Link to reproduction


To reproduce

  • run pnpm install
  • press cmd + space
  • takes a few seconds to get intellisense

Additional information

No response

Can you try if something's like this works for you? juliusmarminge/acme-corp#225

I also have terrible vscode performance. It's crazy how deep these inferences get.

@juliusmarminge tried implementing the changes here, but I get the following errors from @acme/api. It also doesn't really improve something.
Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 14 24 31


Do you think that this slowdown is caused by zod? Would it be an alternative to use typebox or another library for validation.

I know it doesn't solve the issue for those who want to keep using ESlint and Prettier, but I moved to Biome.js and it's much, much more performant. There's even starter repo for it here: https://github.com/rajatsandeepsen/t3-turbo-biome

Probably because Biome doesnt have rules that require type information.

@juliusmarminge implementing your recommendation seems to have helped a lot. I've split the @acme/api in two packages:

  • @acme/base where routes are defined and tsc -w command is running
  • @acme/api where the appRouter is created and then re-exported to client

I am still not sure if drizzle was the culprit, I am seeing .dts file of 3000 lines >.

//Also added declarationMap:true so I can still navigate directly to the router.

I know it doesn't solve the issue for those who want to keep using ESlint and Prettier, but I moved to Biome.js and it's much, much more performant. There's even starter repo for it here: https://github.com/rajatsandeepsen/t3-turbo-biome

thinking about migrating. anything you are missing from ESLint+Prettier?

I know it doesn't solve the issue for those who want to keep using ESlint and Prettier, but I moved to Biome.js and it's much, much more performant. There's even starter repo for it here: https://github.com/rajatsandeepsen/t3-turbo-biome

thinking about migrating. anything you are missing from ESLint+Prettier?

Typed linting

I know it doesn't solve the issue for those who want to keep using ESlint and Prettier, but I moved to Biome.js and it's much, much more performant. There's even starter repo for it here: https://github.com/rajatsandeepsen/t3-turbo-biome

thinking about migrating. anything you are missing from ESLint+Prettier?

I just migrated today, it's a shame to lose the typed linting but I couldn't justify the performance hit any longer.

The linting rules it has are great - but you do lack things like the nextjs eslint plugin and tailwind class sorting which is a shame but I think a reasonable tradeoff for the performance gains.