t2v / play2-auth

Play2.x Authentication and Authorization module

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OAuth2Controller#OAuth2StateKey should be `protected val`

tototoshi opened this issue · comments


When I tried to override and slightly modify the implementation of OAuth2Controller#login, I couldn't use OAuth2StateKey in the subclass since it is private val. Should it be protected?

class MyOAuth2Controller extends OAuth2Controller {


  // want to add some optional parameters but currently not supported.
  override def login(scope: String, optionalParam: String /* 👈 */) = AsyncStack(ExecutionContextKey -> OAuthExecutionContext) { implicit request =>
    implicit val ec = StackActionExecutionContext


    loggedIn match {
      case Some(u) =>
      case None =>
        val state = UUID.randomUUID().toString
          Redirect(authenticator.getAuthorizationUrl(scope, state)).withSession(
            request.session + (OAuth2StateKey /* Oops, it's private ❗️ */ -> state)

I understood the motivation. I change it to protected

done, I'll publish it.