t2v / play2-auth

Play2.x Authentication and Authorization module

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Use CacheApi in play 2.4.x

y0t4 opened this issue · comments



In Play 2.4.x, use play.api.cache.CacheApi (https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.4.x/ScalaCache).
So, I changed AuthConfig trait and CacheIdContainer like this (y0t4@89ee5f5), and I want to send PR.

But if merge this branch, it will be affected in many places. (tests, documents, samples, ...)
So, I think we may want to prepare branch for updates.

What do you think?

Hi, thanks for proposal!

It seems cool.
I think it is good that CacheIdContainer accepts CacheApi in constructor.
However I dont think it is good that AuthConfig has the cacheApi fields.
Because the users who use another IdContainer implementation instead of CacheIdContainer dont need cacheApi and CacheApi dependencies...


use another IdContainer implementation instead of CacheIdContainer

Oops. I forgot that pattern.

So, I'll remove cacheApi field from AuthConfig.
And then, idContainer field will be needed to be abstract.
Like this( master...y0t4:use_CacheApi )

Is it ok?

sorry too late reply.

Yes, that's right!

What's the status of this?

I'd love to be able to use the CacheAPI. :)