szerhusenBC / jwt-spring-security-demo

A demo for using JWT (Json Web Token) with Spring Security and Spring Boot 2

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rzl opened this issue · comments


where to add the role ADMIN ?
i not found role ADMIN any where but ROLE_ADMIN
where change ROLE_ADMIN to ADMIN in the code ?

What are you talking about? Please don`t question here unless you find some feature or bug.


sorry . 因为我的英文不是很好。原来控制中注释有相关的说明。

Remember that the hasRole expression assumes a 'ROLE_' prefix on all role names. So 'ADMIN' here is actually stored as 'ROLE_ADMIN' in database!

public class MethodProtectedRestController {

     * This is an example of some different kinds of granular restriction for endpoints. You can use the built-in SPEL expressions
     * in @PreAuthorize such as 'hasRole()' to determine if a user has access. Remember that the hasRole expression assumes a
     * 'ROLE_' prefix on all role names. So 'ADMIN' here is actually stored as 'ROLE_ADMIN' in database!
    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ResponseEntity<?> getProtectedGreeting() {
        return ResponseEntity.ok("Greetings from admin protected method!");
