szcom / rnnlib

RNNLIB is a recurrent neural network library for sequence learning problems. Forked from Alex Graves work

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change bias

rollasoul opened this issue · comments

How can I prime the trained rnn when running rnnsynth and change the bias? Searched for days, tried a lot via config file or command line - no luck so far ... anybody? thx so much!

HA! Stupid me ... got it by checking synth.cpp ... should have done that earlier as it says:

"usage rnnsynth [config_options] config_file"
"config_options syntax: --variable_name=variable_value"

so for the bias it's something like this for a bias of 0.5:
"rnnsynth --sampleBias=0.5"

Still not sure on how to prime it ... should be the same process though