sytone / obsidian-remote

Run in a browser via a docker container.

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Obsidian using UTC, not TZ env variable

tripp396 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Setup via docker compose with TZ set to America/Chicago. Noticed when utiziling features that bring in the time that the time is in UTC. Confirmed docker host is using central timezone, confirmed actual container shows central timezone. Obsidian still shows everything in UTC. If I create a file late in the day, obsidian thinks its the next day due to this.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Setup via docker-compose
  2. Do something time related like Command Pallette > Templates: Insert Current Time. It is in UTC.

Expected behavior
Time reflected is local time via the host.

Additional context
Verified that all TZ settings on container and host are correct. Unsure if there is some setting that I am missing. Other container on this host reports correct times within apps.