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Setting PATH with environment.d does not work on debian

rumpelsepp opened this issue · comments

Submission type

  • Bug report
  • Request for enhancement (RFE)

systemd version the issue has been seen with

233; debian version: 233-10

Used distribution

Debian Testing

In case of bug report: Expected behaviour you didn't see

I have this content in my ~/.config/environment.d/99-defaults.conf:


After a login in gnome3 I expect to see $PATH and $PATH1 to be equal;; with expanded $GOPATH prepended.

In case of bug report: Unexpected behaviour you saw

On a shell I get this instead:

$ printenv PATH PATH1 GOPATH
$ systemctl --user show-environment

In case of bug report: Steps to reproduce the problem

Create that file from above, relogin to gnome, open a terminal and type printenv.

$PATH seems to be hardcoded somewhere which overwrites my setting; important fact: I use gnome on wayland. So I have no shellscripts that are being exectued during login.

Maybe it's debian specific. I close this until we know.

As requested from bugs.debian, I reopened this.

I am also seeing this problem on Debian Buster (GNOME 3.22, systemd v234) when using a GNOME Wayland session. I am not yet entirely sure what's causing this, but I currently suspect the following:

This is a bug where people complained that since Wayland doesn't run the session through a login shell, some of the configuration files used by login shells (~/.profile, ~/.bash_profile, etc.) are obviously not read anymore.

This was the fix for the bug mentioned above, it comes down to running the login shell in gnome-session if Wayland is used.

This is the current version of the gnome-session shell script. There are some changes, but it seems the scripts still tries to launch a login shell to restore the expected behaviour on Wayland.

This is what Debian installs in /etc/profile per default. As you can see, this will statically set PATH to a value depending on the effective UID.

As I said, I haven't tracked this down entirely, but I wanted to share my preliminary findings here.

@rumpelsepp What is the output of running /usr/lib/systemd/user-environment-generators/30-systemd-environment-d-generator ? It prints correctly for me. Also, what is the output of systemctl --user show-environment?

The generator itsellf prints the environment correctly. The output of the other command is listed in the original post.

@AlexanderKurtz nailed it. It is indeed a debian problem.

The relevant commit in gnome is this:

So, in gnome wayland there is a login shell which sources the well known files in order to set up environment variables and do some initialization stuff. The debian provided /etc/profile overwrites my environment.d settings. My personal fix is, to write my environment definitions in ~/.profile. To sum up, not a systemd problem AFAIC.

OK, closing then. Thanks for tracking this down.

I think this might be caused by this gdm bug (on GNOME 3.36):