syrusakbary / promise

Ultra-performant Promise implementation in Python

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reject function in Promise

mega7star opened this issue · comments

Why i not get a value from reject function?

Python 3.5.1 (v3.5.1:37a07cee5969, Dec  6 2015, 01:54:25) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AM
D64)] on win32                                                                  
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>>> from promise import Promise                                                 
>>> def test(x):                                                                
...   def my(resolve, reject):                                                  
...     if x > 0:                                                               
...       resolve(x)                                                            
...     else:                                                                   
...       reject(x)                                                             
...   return Promise(my)                                                        
>>> test(42).then(lambda x: print('Test: ', x))                                 
Test:  42                                                                       
<promise.promise.Promise object at 0x0000004620FB9CC0>                          
>>> test(-42).then(None, lambda x: print('Test: ', x))                          
Test:               # <------------- why not 'Test: -42' ?                                                            
<promise.promise.Promise object at 0x0000004620FC1908>                          

I seem to be running into some issues related to throwing errors on the server side as well. Just looking into those.

I simplified a little bit the promise function init resolver.
This should fix the issue in master.

I also added a test for assuring we are "guarded" for future versions: 74d8d19